Julia Hoczyk is a dance critic, dance theorist, and editor. She holds a degree in theatre studies from the National Academy of Dramatic Art in Warsaw (her MA thesis was devoted to the history and characteristics of Japanese butoh dance, and was written under the supervision of Professor Leszek Kolankiewicz). Ph.D. Candidate at the Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences at the Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences. She has also studied gender studies as part of a postgraduate programme at the Institute of Applied Social Studies, University of Warsaw.
She has published critical pieces in Didaskalia, Teatr, Opcje, Dwutygodnik.com, and on nowytaniec.pl. From 2005 to 2010 she was an editor of Scena, a periodical devoted to culture and theatre education, and from 2008 to 2011of Kultura Enter, a monthly web magazine; currently she edits taniecPOLSKA.pl, a website of the Institute of Music and Dance in Warsaw aimed to inform about, promote, and document the art of dance in Poland. In her research she focuses on the body, corporeity, and gender in Polish and international contemporary dance. She teaches on contemporary dance and butoh as guest lecturer.
Julia Hoczyk collaborates with the Academy of Dramatic Art delivering classes on dance theatre and contemporary dance analysis. She works with the Institute of Music and Dance.