The 21st edition of the International Dance Theatres Festival in Lublin will take place on 13-19 November 2017. The lead theme of the current programme, scheduled for 2016-18, is to showcase the immense richness and diversity of dance phenomena, their differences and similarities, as well as the dialogue between the oft-polarized visions. The list of guests featured in this year?s edition of the festival includes exquisite dancers, choreographers, pedagogues and dance pundits from Poland and around the world, among others Granh?j Dans (Denmark), Aura Dance Theatre (Lithuania), Company B. Valiente (Norway), choreographers affiliated with the Aerowaves network, and selected Polish artists showcased at this year?s Polish Dance Platform, such as Katarzyna Chmielewska, Anna Godowska and Sławomir Krawczyński, Aurora Lubos, Maria Zimpel, Paweł Sakowicz. Also invited have been young Polish laureates of choreographic competitions, as well as guests from across the eastern border (Belarus, Ukraine, Armenia).
This year?s edition?s keynote guest will be the Batsheva Dance Company led by Ohad Naharin. Thanks to the collaboration between the Lublin Dance Theatre, the Lublin Centre for Culture, and the Centre for Meeting of Cultures in Lublin, the BDC will present its two latest productions, Last work and Venezuela.
The presentations will take place at the Centre for the Meeting of Cultures (Opera Hall) on the following nights:
17 November, 8:30 pm, Last Work
18 November, 8:30 pm, Last Work
19 November, 8:30 pm, Venezuela
Tickets for the Batsheva Dance Company presentations can be purchased starting Monday, 28 August 2017. More information at:
Centre for Culture ticket office, ul. Peowiaków 12, opening hours: Monday ? Friday, 12-5 pm (after September 1, 10 am ? 7 pm), phone no.: +48 81 466 61 40;
– single tickets,
– weekend entrance passes ?Batsheva? (available in limited numbers),
– ?21 MSTT? books of tickets for all Festival events (available in limited numbers):
2. Centre for the meeting of Cultures ticket office, Plac Teatralny 1, opening hours: Tuesday-Friday, 10 am ? 6 pm, phone no.: +48 81 441 56 32
– single tickets
3. Tiketto,
– single tickets online
4. Lublin Dance Theatre ? solely via e-mail:
– group tickets (min 15 persons ? available in limited numbers)
ATTENTION! The detailed programme and information on tickets for the remaining 21st Lublin Dance Festival events will be published at a later date.
About the pieces:
Last Work
The piece is breathtaking for the extraordinary dancing by the Batsheva dancers, and the way Mr. Naharin can evoke states of pleasure, pain, madness and a kind of animality ? a sheer state of being in the body ? through his movement (?).
(Roslyn Sulcas, New York Times)
Last Work ….again shows Batsheva Dance Company to be one of the most captivating ensembles in the world. It reads in many ways like a dance dystopia, populated by spindly dancers who move like humanoids, combining extreme articulation with a grounded, unerring sense of weight.
(Laura Capelle ,UK Financial Times)
Choreografia: Ohad Naharin (2015)
We współpracy z tancerzami Batsheva Dance Company
Oświetlenie: Avi Yona Bueno (Bambi)
Ścieżka dźwiękowa, montaż dźwięku: Maxim Warratt
Oryginalna muzyka: Grischa Lichtenberger
Scenografia: Zohar Shoef
Kostiumy: Eri Nakamura
Asystenci Ohad Naharina i Maxima Warratta: Ariel Cohen, Guy Shomroni
Dodatkowa muzyka: Few Mysteries Solved in a Year of Contact ? Sagat, Club Life ? Hysterics, Crusty Juice ? MPIA3, Volume VIP ? Monkey, Tantrum ? Luminox
Współprodukcja: Festiwal Montpellier Danse 2015, Hellerau ? European Center for the Arts w Dreźnie.
Współpraca: Batsheva New Works Fund oraz Fundacja Dalii i Eli Hurwitz; specjalne wsparcie finansowe zapewnione przez the American Friends of Batsheva.
?Venezuela?, za pomocą niezwykłych tancerzy, tworzy fascynujący i złożony spektakl, który zawiera niespodziankę, pozostającą z widzem na długo po wyjściu z teatru.
(Yael Efrati, Timeout)
Choreography: Ohad Naharin
Performance: dancers of the Batsheva Dance Company
Duration: 90 minutes (no intermission)
Lighting: Avi Yona Bueno (Bambi)
Soundtrack, sound editing: Maxim Waratt
Musical advisor: Nadav Barnea
Costumes: Eri Nakamura
Ohada Naharin?s and Eri Nakamura?s assistant: Ariel Cohen
Dancer coach: Natalia Petrova.
Assistant: Omri Mishael
Music: Coma Converter, Ae Ajnabi (From Dil Se) Mahalakshmi & Udit Narayan, Bullet in the head Rage Against the Machine, Mirage Biz, The Wait Olafur Arnalds, One Large Rose Niblock Phill, Dead Wrong The Notorious B.I.G, Kyrie fons bonitatis, Litany, Beata Viscera ? Gregorian Chant, Songs of the Spirit; Offertorium: Lubulate Deo Universa Terra Gregorian Chants; O Euchari Hildegard Von Bingen; A Ariel de Profundis Gregorian Chants; Alma Redemptoris Gregorian Chants; Alma Redemptoris Mater, Easter Vigil: Litany Gregorian Chant (performed by the Westminster Cathedral Choir)
Production: Batsheva Dance Company
Co-production: Chaillot National Theater, Paris; Hellerau ? European Centre for the Arts in Dresden
Collaboration: Batshevas New Works Fund, American Friends of Batsheva’s New Works Fund
Special thanks to the Israeli Ballroom Dancing Fund
Link to the event on facebook:
International Dance Theatres Festival:
Lublin Dance Theatre:
Centre for Culture in Lublin:
Centre for the Meeting of Cultures: