Marta Ziółek invites to the first exposure of her project “Black on Black”, which will take place on May 4 (6 pm) and 5 (8.15 pm) at Frankfurt Lab (? das Musik-, Theater- und Tanzlabor der Moderne für Frankfurt RheinMain e.V. (Frankfurt am Main, Schmidtstraße 12).The final outcome will be presented in March 2015 in the Hetveem Theatre in Amsterdam and in the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw.
About the project:
The starting point of the project and its main inspiration is the series of eight black paintings made by Alexander Rodchenko in direct reaction to a group of white paintings created by the more established artist Kazimir Malevich in 1918.
If for Malevich the gradual reduction of the whole palette to white connoted the idea of ?the supremacy of pure artistic feeling?(?White on White?) and was the way he approached transcendence, Rodchenko used black in order to ground a painting in its physical properties, to bring focus to the material qualities of its surface. With his black series Rodchenko declared: ?Nothing besides painting exists?.
In my project I want to research the possible relation between that historical work/event and its temporary display of the present day. What would it mean to make a post-production of the series of black paintings by means of dance and choreography? What would it mean to relocate one medium (painting) into the field of another (dance)? What could a black dance and a black choreography be like?
Team/People involved in the project:
Dancer and choreographer: Marta Ziółek
Dramaturgical advice: Eleonora Zdębiak
Curator, art historian: Szymon Żydek
Fashion designer: Agata Mickiewicz
Production: Het Veem Theatre