On 30 August–15 September 2013, Lviv will be hosting ArtNastu, a festival set to redefine international cooperation schemata in a search for a new formula for cross-border dialogue. Creating the programme of the event together with partners from Poland and Ukraine, the organisers followed three guiding ideas: dialogue, empathy and the need for culture, which they consider the foundation stones of cultural and artistic partnership. The programme of ArtNastupu will unfold along three intertwining paths.
Dance path will lead us through ephemeral events drawing on sound and movement improvisation, including Dzoe by Harakiri Farmers, Fuera de campo by Zawirowania Dance Theatre, Zdarzenia by Pracownia Fizyczna and the SZaZa duo. The path also offers lectures by Jadwiga Majewska and Grzegorz Kondrasiuk, workshops Chwytanie ruchu[Grasping movement] by Paweł Janicki, along with workshops to be conducted jointly by Iwona Olszowska, Magdalena Radłowska and Paulina Święcańska, devoted to contact improvisation and entitledNamacalny instynkt [Tangible instinct].
The visual arts path, Re: (reminiscence, remix, reflection)will showcase digital media art from different collections in Lublin, Wrocław and Białystok. The photographic path, Documentary Workshops –2013 will embrace exhibits by recognised masters of Polish photography documenting personal histories and general history.
ArtNastupis a new initiative, yet part of a wider programme Trans_misja_Lublin_Ukraina [Trans_mission_Lublin_Ukraine] established jointly by Polish and Ukrainian cultural institutions. The programme’s first project L² – potęgowanie kultury Lublina i Lwowa [L² – Lublin and Lviv culture raised to the power of 2] focused on fostering direct contacts between professionals of similar interests, promoting artistic collaborations and stimulate the exchange of knowledge and experiences. It soon became apparent that the programme’s scope goes beyond Lublin and Lviv. Also ArtNastup will gather artists from across Poland, and its programme will be complemented by additional events organised by the Ukrainin hosts, including the Performance Art Days bringing together Ukrainian and international artists.
ArtNastup has been prepared by Warsztaty Kultury in Lublin and the Artistic Association Dzyga in Lviv, in association with their partners and friends.
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