Registrations are now open for the workshops held as part of The Porto Sessions program. The entire program will be announced soon. The Porto Sessions have been conceived by Meg Stuart in cooperation with Ana Rocha. The list of tutors includes Anna Nowicka, who will hold her own workshops titled Dreamstates. The team of pedagogues will also comprise such artists Benoît Lachambre, Mark Tompkins and Meg Stuart, among others.
14.09 – 18.09, 16 pm – 20 pm _workshop fee: 90?
Anna Nowicka: Dreamstates
The work will focus on the practice of dreaming aware, and on becoming awake to the ongoing dreaming process that is accompanying our conscious existence, allowing this continuous flow of images to in-form the body, influence its? presence and become the source of actions. We will work on participants? night dreams, opening a dialogue with them and using their structure as a kaleidoscopic map for creativity. Employing the procedure of dream opening and the tool of shifting perspectives, we will discover ways of unfolding the body, expanding it into a multiple, ever flowing entity that playfully shifts between real and imagined, between being and doing, distance and proximity, aware of the continuous flow of impulses, able to choose which one to follow and embody. The aim of the workshop is to combine intuitive ways of creating with conscious choreographic decisions, in order to empower performers to connect with their dreams as legible sources of knowledge and foundations for creativity.
All the workshops will be held at the Rivoli Municipal Theater of Porto.
A discount will be applied in case of registration of more than one workshop:
10% ?in the registration of 2 workshops
20% in the registration of 3 or 4 workshops
For registration and more details:
Please send a short biographical note along with the inscription.
Invited artists: Anna Nowicka, Benoît Lachambre, Christian Breuer, Cristina Planas Leit?o, Gaëtan Rusquet, Giulia Paolucci, Hamish MacPherson, Jeroen Peeters, Jozef Wouters, Joana Von Mayer Trindade, Jo?o Costa Espinho, Mark Tompkins, Mariana Tengner Barros, Mor Demer, Michiel VandeVelde, Noha Ramadan, Varinia Canto Villa and Rodrigo Malvar
More information:
With the support Goethe-Institut Porto, Maus Hábitos, STCP and Metro do Porto
MEZZANINE is a non profit cultural association financed by Governo de Portugal / Secretário de Estado da Cultura / Direcç?o-Geral das Artes
Meg Stuart/Damaged Goods is financed by the Flemish Authorities and Flemish Community Commission