„Studia Chorelogica” vol. 25 (2024)
The Polish Choreological Forum and the National Institute of Music and Dance have published another volume of the annual “Studia Choreologica”, which includes articles written on the basis of presentations given during the 15th National Conference of the Polish Choreological Forum in Olsztyn.
Volume 25 of “Studia Chorelogica” contains the following articles:
The annual can be ordered via the website of the Polish Choreological Forum: www.pfch.choreologia.org.pl
“Studia Choreologica” is a refereed scientific journal devoted specifically to dance. It publishes articles on a wide range of dance cultures and perspectives: both choreological and ethnochoreological. It was created by prof. dr hab. Roderyk Lange in 1999 and appeared in English for the first ten years. After 2010, the journal became an organ of the Polish Choreological Forum association (also founded by Professor Lange), and the articles have been published only in Polish. Volume 18 is an exception, in which some memorials were published in English after the death of our founder. Supporting dynamic development in the next decade, we have determined to publish the journal bilingually starting with vol. XXI – full texts in Polish and English.
The co-publishers of the annual “Studia Choreologica” are the Polish Choreological Forum and the National Institute of Music and Dance.