On Sunday, 22 September (4 pm), IMKA Theatre in Warsaw will host the premiere of Preparation for Change, a piece for piano, dancer and tape, taking place as part of the 56th Warsaw Autumn International Festival of Contemporary Music. The project brings together Jacek Grudzień, prominent contemporary composer, and Izabela Chlewińska, emerging choreographer of new dance, who have decided to create an autonomous work fusing two art forms: contemporary music composition and new choreography. This novel and challenging fusion will be cemented by improvising pianist Włodek Pawlik, well-known for his artistic diversity, who will perform the piece together with the dancer during the festival.
Jacek Grudzień, Izabela Chlewińska
Preparation for Change(2013)**
for piano, dancer and tape
(commissioned by the Polish Composers’ Union)
** world premiere
Włodzimierz Pawlikpiano
Izabela Chlewińskadance, choreography
Tomasz Bergmannvideo effects
Ewa Guziołek-Tubelewiczsound director
Realised in association with the Institute of Music and Dance in Warsaw as part of the programme “Agon: A programme of music composition and choreography commissions”