On Friday and Saturday, 8 and 9 March 2013, at 7 pm, the Museum of Contemporary Art and the Institute of Music and Dance will present Mikołaj Mikołajczyk’s Teraz jest czas [Now Is the Time] prepared together with a group of older-age residents of the village of Zakrzewo in the Polish region of Wielkopolska. Mikołakczyk’s encounter with the Wrzos choir would never have taken place if it had not been for curiosity. And the curiosity was mutual. On one hand, it was the curiosity of an artist intrigued by a community of older-age persons whose members “all know each other, or are even family”, and most of all, who will not accept living the autumn of their life deprived of humour and challenges, claiming that now is their time. On the other hand, it was the curiosity of older-age residents of the Polish countryside, who watched an artist introduce them to unfamiliar forms of expression through dance and experiment. The show is going to be presented during Stage for Dance 2013, a programme of the Institute of Music and Dance, and is part of the project Performans jako paradygmat sztuki [Performace as Art’s Paradigm] run by the Museum of Contemporary Art in Warsaw.
The admission is free, but please make a booking by writing to info@artmuseum.pl.
The show’s TRAILERS:
Concept and choreography: Mikołaj Mikołajczyk
Dramaturgy: Aneta Cardet
Stage design: Łukasz Błażejewski
Music arranged by Zbigniew Kozub
Video displays: Mirek Kaczmarek
Project’s curator: Agata Siwiak
Performers: Edmund Bindek, Urszula Chałubek, Jan Cieślik, Irena Czermak, Aleksandra Dąbek, Bogdan Dąbrowski, Danuta Okońska, Janusz Okoński, Eugenia Płaczek, Łucja Podlewska, Jerzy Podlewski, Józefa Polak, Maria Trokowska, Jan Wojciechowski, Danuta Zdrenka and Mikołaj Mikołajczyk
Organisational assistance: Barbara Szopińska, Henryk Szopiński, Anna Kozub
The show features fragments of Alt heisst schön – Manifest gegen den Jugendkult [Old Age is Beautiful: A Manifesto Against the Cult of Youth] by Esther Vilar (Polish translation by Bożena Intrator);and Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s farewell letter to his friends (Polish translation by Zdzisław Jan Ryn).
The show came to life under the project Wielkopolska: Rewolucje [Wielkopolska: Revolutions] (curator: Agata Siwiak), conceived and implemented by the local authorities of the region of Wielkopolska.
Co-organiser: Dom Polski in Zakrzewo
Partner:Institute of Music and Dance