Fot. Danuta Matloch
The coverage of the Polish finals of Eurovision Young Dancers is already available on YouTube. The finals took place on 7 April 2013 and were broadcast live by TVP Kultura, Polish national broadcaster’s culture channel. Launched in 1985, Eurovision Young Dancers is one of the most prestigious international dance events. Poland’s national finals saw the rivalry of ten excellent, talented, young dancers from across Poland, who presented choreographies in different contemporary dance styles. The winner, Kristóf Szabó, was named the country’s representative at the European finals, which took place at the Baltic Opera in Gdańsk, Poland, on 14 June 2013. The European winner was Sedrig Verwoert of the Netherlands.
Sitting on the jury of the Polish national finals were Ewa Wycichowska, choreographer, teacher, dancerand director of the Polish Dance Theatre; Jacek Przybyłowicz, dancer, choreographer, ballet teacher,deputy director for ballet of the Stanisław Moniuszko Grand Theatre in Poznań; and Grzegorz Pańtak,dancer, soloist, teacher of jazz dance and modern jazz, choreographer and deputy director of the KielceDance Theatre. While the jury was considering their verdict, the viewers were treated to an outstandingchoreography by Anna Hop LAB V.
Before 2013 Poland had hosted international finals of Eurovision Young Dancers twice: in 1997 aGdynia’s Music Theatre and in 2005 at Warsaw’s Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera.In the photo: Polish finalists of Eurovision Young Dancers 2013: Katarzyna Ciemniejewska, JuliaHałka, Łukasz Ludwiczak, Katarzyna Markiewicz, Anna Mikuła, Dariusz Nowak, Adrian
Radwański, Piotr Stanek, Kristóf Szabó and Hanna Wiadrowska.