Ego Vu Dance Theatre (earlier, Vogue Dance Theatre) is a unique artistic project associated with a group of people who have continuously worked on its artistic shape since 1991. The continuity was ensured by its artistic directors: the founder, Kuba Kasprzyk (19911996), Eliza Hołubowska (19961999), Anna Gąciarz in collaboration with Edyta Waszak (19992004) and Aleksandra Carvalheiro (20042005), as well as dozens of dancers. Since 2005, Eliza Hołubowska has run the group again. The name of the collective was changed by rearranging a few letters during a concert summing up the 20th anniversary of the collectives artistic work in 2011. The new name did not change the direction of the groups artistic explorations.
The collective is based in and works under the auspices of the Gryfino Culture Centre in Gryfino, Western Pomerania province. Contemporary dance forms the basis of the groups artistic work but dancers keep expanding their means of expression with different theatre techniques and other dance genres. As a result, Ego Vu has developed an original stage language, and it attaches great attention to conveying an emotional message. The collective plays a prominent role in the regions dance community, remaining a major dance group in Western Pomerania, with performances presented at nearly 50 festivals in Poland and abroad. In 2011 the group went on its first international tour, visiting Spain, where it performed six times, including at the Festival Internacional de Teatro Alternativo Jaén Subterránea.
Ego Vu Dance Theatre collaborates with numerous culture institutions and associations, including the Kana Theatre in Szczecin, the Schloss Bröllin International Art Research Centre in Germany, and the High Definition Dance Studio in Szczecin. For several years, the collectives dancers have performed at the Uckermärkische Bühnen Schwedt drama theatre in Germany.
Since 2009, the collective has co-organised the annual Autumn Dance Stage Festival of Short Dance Forms which hosts important dance theatre performances from Poland and abroad. So far, the festival has presented works by artists from Poland, Germany, Britain, Japan, Venezuela and New Zealand.
The collectives dancers take part in workshops run by major dance centres in Poland and Germany. The group regularly hosts renowned artists. In 2008, Gryfino was visited by, among others, Diana Gajownik (Wielki Theatre in Poznań) and Sean Feldman (Britain). The group has also collaborated with Henrik Kaalund (Denmark/Germany), which resulted in the performance Deteriorations, presented at the 4th Patchworks Clash of Arts and Cultures Festival in Gryfino (2010). The collective was also greatly impressed by choreographer Thierry Verger (France). After a workshop with him, Hołubowska created a unique and technically challenging performance Pomrok (Afterdark, 2013).
Major prizes
8th Szczecin Dance Meetings, Szczecin prize for the collective for choreography for Repetition miks (Repetition Mix, a piece for choir, ballet and soloists) and Róża (The Rose), for the author Jakub (Kuba) Kasprzyk for high artistic value of the collectives programme, and for Aleksandra Przedmojska (Carvalheiro) for dance individuality
9th Szczecin Dance Meetings, Szczecin honourable mention for Eliza Hołubowska for choreography of Jakby prawdziwe (Seemingly True)
First National Festival of Dance Etudes, Świdwin Grand Prix for the collective for Joanna Obuchowiczs (Beckwith) performance Nikogo (Nobody)
12th Szczecin Dance Meetings, Szczecin honourable mention for choreographer Anna Gąciarz for artistic search in the performance Było sobie życie (Once Upon a Time in Life)
3rd PolemiQi National Festival of Contemporary Dance, Warsaw a quality certificate for best dramaturgy for Aleksandra Przedmojskas (Carvalheiro) piece Gdy zaś przyjdzie to, co jest… doskonałe (When It Comes to Whats… Perfect).
4th PolemiQi National Festival of Contemporary Dance, Warsaw award for original concept for
Aleksandra Przedmojskas (Carvalheiro) piece Wyżej nie znaczy, że trzeba się wspinać (Higher Doesnt Mean You Must Climb)
5th National Contemporary Dance Confrontations, Konin honourable mention for the collective for Aleksandra Przedmojskas (Carvalheiro) piece Kawa czy herbata (Coffee or Tea)
7th National Contemporary Dance Confrontations, Konin honourable mention for the collective for Eliza Hołubowskas piece Pępowiny (Umbilical Cords)
6th National Contemporary Dance Confrontations, Bydgoszcz honourable mention for the collective for Eliza Hołubowskas piece Nie takie złe (Not So Bad)
8th PolemiQi National Festival of Contemporary Dance, Warsaw best performer award for Eliza Hołubowska; audience award for the collective for Eliza Hołubowskas piece Na szali (On the Line)
9th National Contemporary Dance Confrontations, Konin honourable mention for the collective for Eliza Hołubowskas piece Na szali (On the Line)
Stork statuette (Gryfino county award for promotion of the county) for Eliza Hołubowska (artist of the year, culture promoter of the year)
10th National Contemporary Dance Confrontations, Konin honourable mention for Anna Kamińska and Krzysztof Gmiters piece
11th National Contemporary Dance Confrontations, Konin honourable mention for Eliza Hołubowska, Maja Szymkowiak and Krzysztof Gmiters piece Mijanie (Passing)
4th SOFFT National Salesian Theatre Festival, Szczecin jury 2nd prize and young jury prize for Eliza Hołubowska, Maja Szymkowiak and Krzysztof Gmiters piece Mijanie (Passing), and an instructor award for Eliza Hołubowska
12th National Contemporary Dance Confrontations, Konin honourable mention for Eliza Hołubowska, Anna Kamińska, Maja Szymkowiak and Magda Wydubas piece 1, 2, 3, 4
Water Spirit statuette (Gryfino city award for promotion of the city) for the collective (leader of international cooperation category)
3rd International Theatre Ellipsis of Creativity Festival, Police honourable mention for the collective for Agnieszka Firląg, Julia Lewandowska, Katarzyna Pawlak, Kamila Sikorska, Ewelina Tołyż and Nicol Wesołowskas piece SHAP
7th SOFFT National Salesian Theatre Festival, Szczecin main prize for the collective for Agnieszka Firląg, Julia Lewandowska, Katarzyna Pawlak, Kamila Sikorska, Ewelina Tołyż and Nicol Wesołowskas piece SHAP
5th Yearnings Young Theatre Festival, Goleniów 3rd prize for the collective for Agnieszka Firląg (Firląg-Beta), Julia Lewandowska, Katarzyna Pawlak, Kamila Sikorska, Ewelina Tołyż and Nicol Wesołowskas piece SHAP
2nd Open Your Eyes Alternative Festival of Dance Theatres, Słupsk special prize for Joanna Buśko (Elwart) and Julia Lewandowskas piece Droga (The Road)
5th International Theatre Ellipsis of Creativity Festival, Police audience award for the collective for Eliza Hołubowskas piece Buka