People of dance

Joanna Nadrowska

  • dancer
  • choreographer
Zdjęcie: Joanna Nadrowska

Na zdjęciu: Joanna Nadrowska. Fot. Chlorkovsky

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Joanna Nadrowska is a dancer, instructor, and choreographer. In 2008, she completed (with honors) the Qualified Dance Instructor Course in Warsaw, specializing in jazz dance under Piotr Galiński. She graduated from the University of Warsaw with a degree in socio-cultural animation.

Since 2012, Nadrowska has been a dancer in Sopot Dance Theater (Wild Project, Traktat o estetyce: Technika defektów i skaz (Treatise on Aesthetics: A Technique of Defects and Flaws), Kwadrat wersja 6 (Square Version 6), Galop (Gallop), Pan Owen (Mr. Owen), Transmisja (Broadcast), Puste ciało. Okazja do malutkiej rozpaczy (Empty Body: An Opportunity for Tiny Despair), 2 Twarze (2 Faces), Essentia, Coś Pięknego (Something Beautiful), Przedmiot nieocenionej wartości (Object of Inestimable Value), Bestarium. Nienasycenie (Bestiary: Insatiability), Lechistan Pany Ark, Dyskretny urok Picassa (Picasso’s Discreet Charm), manRay. Barbarzyńca (manRay: A Babarian). She is the author of six performances developed with the project group of Sopot Dance Theater, two performances in collaboration with Magdalena Wójcik (Sprawiedliwość Fałszywa. Subiektywna rozprawa o wątpliwej niewinności (False Justice. A Subjective Treatise on Doubtful Innocence); Kawa, papierosy i próby (Coffee, Cigarettes and Rehearsals), and three pieces in collaboration with Grażyna Słaboń (Sys 212, Przypadki niekontrolowane (Uncontrolled Cases), Punkt Kontra Punkt (Point Contra Point) and one with Barbara Jasinska (Fason Newtona (Newton’s Cut).

Since 2017, Nadrowska has been associated with the Gdańsk Art School as an instructor and choreographer. She has collaborated with music performance director Piotr Kosewski, both as a dancer (revue piece Jutro będzie lepiej/Tomorrow Will Be Better) and choreographer (BREL/MŁYNARSKI concert). She is the co-founder of the Tricity Creative Collective (Nie mam nic do powiedzenia (I Have Nothing to Say); Jasno czyli ciemno (Bright or Dark), Opowieść niepokojąca (Disturbing Story), Cykliczna Ciągłość (Cyclical Continuity).

Nadrowska performed at Marina Abramovic’s exhibition Do czysta/The Cleaner at the Center of Contemporary Art in Toruń in 2019. She was also responsible for the choreography, performance and conceptual collaboration in the performative-dance performance 7 LEKCJI GEOMETRII (7 LESSONS IN GEOMETRY), produced as part of the celebration of the 86th Birthday of the Marine Station – Emigration Museum in Gdynia.

A holder of artistic scholarship of the President of the City of Sopot and the Marshal of the Pomeranian Province (2016, solo Po tamtej stronie (The Other Side), developed in collaboration with Monika Górka; 2020, solo Constant Ending). Since 2020, she has been an instructor of the GYROTONIC® system. She is the recipient of the 2020 Sopot Muse Award for young artists.

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