People of dance

Zdjęcie: Roderyk Lange

Fot. z archiwum Instytutu Choreologii.

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Roderyk Lange  was a choreologist, dance anthropologist, lecturer of movement analysis and notation, long-time collaborator of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, and the director of two dance research and teaching centres for the study of dance, movement analysis and notation, and dance anthropology: the Centre for Dance Studies in Jersey (UK) and the Institute of Choreology in Poznań one of the few centres in Poland that focused on dance theory.  


Professor Roderyk Lange was one of the most famous choreologists in the world. As stated by Dariusz Kubinowski, the author of the introduction to the anniversary volume of Taniec Choreologia humanistyka (Poznań, 2000) dedicated to Professor Lange, His research has helped consolidate the position of choreology in human sciences and elevate its academic status.


An author of several hundred articles, several dozen books, and a number of edited collections on dance from works on Labans kinetography, through numerous essays and books on Polish dance folklore and dance anthropology professor Langes major publications include Folk dance in   Poland and its transformations in time and space (Taniec ludowy w Polsce i jego przeobrażenia w czasie i przestrzeni,  London, Polish University on Exile, 1978), and On the nature of dance and its manifestations in culture (O istocie tańca i jego przejawach w kulturze, Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne, Kraków 1988; re-issue: Wydawnictwo Instytutu Choreologii, Fundacja Rhytmos, Poznań 2009). A major field of Langes research was the Toruń and Kujawy folklore, as   reflected in his books: Folk dance in the  works of the Museum of Ethnography in Toruń working method and  questionnaire (Taniec ludowy w   pracach Muzeum Etnograficznego w Toruniu metoda pracy i kwestionariusz, Museum of Ethnography in Toruń, 1960) and The Folklore of Kujawy (Folklor Kujaw, Centralny Ośrodek Upowszechniania Metodyki Kultury, Warszawa 1979).


Fot. z archiwum Instytutu Choreologii.
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