People of dance

Wojciech Wiesiołłowski

  • pedagogue
  • dancer
Zdjęcie: Wojciech Wiesiołłowski

Wojciech Wiesiołłowski

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Wojciech Wiesiołłowski (Stage name: Woytek Lowski) – dancer, ballet master, teacher. Born on 11 October 1939 in Best-on-the-Bug, died on 24 November 1995 in Warsaw. He graduated from the Warsaw Ballet School (1956). He debuted at the Warsaw Opera, in 1956–66 he was a soloist there. In 1961–63 he was an intern at the Vaganova Ballet School in Leningrad. In 1964 he won the silver medal in the1st International Ballet Competition in Varna. He was the first Polish dancer invited by Maurice Béjart to the group of soloists of Ballet of the 20th Century. In 1966–71, together with the group, he had great successes on the biggest World stages. In 1971–72 he was a soloist in the Roland Petit’s Ballet de Marseille, and in 1972–79 a first soloist in the Boston Ballet. He gave classes at the annual Summer Dance Academy in Portugal in ballet school in Rochester (USA). At the peak of fame, in 1979, progressing arthritis made his dancing impossible. He finished his soloist career with a performance in Boston and started educational work, initially in a Boston group, then in France, in Roselli Hightower Dance Centre (Cannes), Ballet Théâtre Francais (Nancy) and later in the Parisian Opera. He also worked with dancers from Jonh Neumeier group, American Ballet Theatre, Royal Flemish Ballet, theatres in Rome, Basel, West Berlin, Hamburg, Venice, Royal Flemish Ballet in Antwerp. He had his classes at Harvard University. At the end of his life, he worked as ballet master and senior principal dancer in English National Ballet. In 1993 his book On teaching classical dance was published. In 1994 the film about him entitled “I don’t like Mirror” was produced (directed by Zbigniew Dzięgiel).

Most important parts:

Faun (The Afternoon of a Faun), title role in Mazepa, Mercutio (Romeo and Juliet), Sigfried (Swan Lake) Basilio (Don Quixote), pas de deux (Giselle), Thibald (Béjart’s Romeo and Juliet), Swan (Béjart’s Swan), Hamlet and Ghost of Hamlet’s Father (Monreal’s Hamlet), Bird-Storm’s Herald (de Mille’s Summer), solo in Ludwig van Beethoven’s 9th Symphony, Albert (Giselle), Prince (Nutcracker), Franz (Coppelia), Pastor (Morton Gould’s Fall River Legend), Jazon (Brigit Cullberg’s Meded), Son (George Balanchine’s Prodigal Son) Prince (Sleeping Beauty), Stanisław (Stanisław i Anna Oświęcimowie), Groom (Ojców Wedding), Devil (Béjart’s Baudleaire).

Wojciech Wiesiołłowski, fot. Zofia Nasierowska
Wojciech Wiesiołłowski
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