The sessions of the jury (Katie Duck, Konrad Kurowski, Erez Zohar) of the international Solo Dance Contest 2022, held as part of the 14th Gdańsk Dance Festival, took place between September 19-23, 2022. Please be reminded remind that the contest is addressed to dance artists and seeks to support and promote contemporary dance. Participation is restricted to contemporary dance artists (contemporary dance/contemporary ballet dancers) with a proven track record or certified dancers only. For the jury verdict and justifications, see below.

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At the start of the competition, the jury was provided with criteria for evaluating the presentations, which were judged on their artistic merit, dance technique, originality, spatial awareness on stage, and dramaturgy.

The jury members spent time together discussing what they meant to them as artists. With these criteria in mind, they awarded the following prizes:

1st prize for the solo piece The Essence by Eva Urbanová – EUR 1,900
For how her piece matured throughout the contest and how it was executed in the final presentation.

2nd prize for the solo piece Przepływ by Iga Szczepańska – EUR 1,500
For her compositional quality, simplicity of movement and collaboration with music.

3rd prize for the solo piece Apolo by Daniel Fernández Martín – EUR 1,300
For his display of elegant timing, being on point, humor, intelligence, and body extraordinaire in the rackets of his balls.

4th prize for the solo Sorites by Ian Garside – EUR 800
For his readiness to challenge the audience, intricacy of design, and indiligence in delivering a delicate point of view.

The Audience Award of EUR 500 was awarded to Megan Mazarick for her solo piece Old Swan.

Our congratulations to all the laureates!

Jurorzy i laureaci „Solo Dance Conest 2022”. Fot. Maciej Moskwa dla Klubu Żak

Winners and jurors of the “Solo Dance Contest 2022”. Photo by Maciej Moskwa for Żak Club

Jurorzy „Solo Dance Conest 2022”, od lewej: Konrad Kurowski, Katie Duck, Erez Zohar. Fot. Maciej Moskwa dla Klubu Żak

Jurors of the “Solo Dance Contest 2022”. From the left: Konrad Kurowski, Katie Duck, Erez Zohar. Photo by Maciej Moskwa for Żak CLub

Eva Urbanová, laureatka I miejsca na „Solo Dance Contest 2022” za „The Essence”. Fot. Maciej Moskwa dla Klubu Żak

Eva Urbanová, winner of the 1st prize at the “Solo Dance Contest 2022” for “The Essence”. Photo by Maciej Moskwa for Żak Club

Iga Szczepańska laureatka II nagrody „Solo Dance Contest 2022” za „Przepływ”. Fot. Maciej Moskwa dla Klubu Żak

Iga Szczepańska, winner of the 2nd prize at the “Solo Dance Contest 2022” for “Przepływ”. Photo by Maciej Moskwa for Żak Club

Daniel Fernández Martín „Apolo”, III nagroda „Solo Dance Contest 2022” . Fot. Maciej Moskwa dla Klubu Żak
Ian Garside laureat IV nagrody „Solo Dance Contest 2022” za „Sorites”. Fot. Maciej Moskwa dla Klubu Żak

Ian Garside, winner of the 3rd prize at the “Solo Dance Contest 2022” for “Sorites”. Photo by Maciej Moskwa for Żak Club

Megan Mazarick, laureatka Nagrody Publiczności „Solo Dance Contest 2022” za „Old Swan”. Fot. Maciej Moskwa dla Klubu Żak

Megan Mazarick, winner of the Audience Award at the “Solo Dance Contest 2022” for “Old Swan”. Photo by Maciej Moskwa for Żak Club

Uczestnicy „Solo Dance Conest 2022”. Fot. Maciej Moskwa dla Klubu Żak

Participants of the “Solo Dance Contest 2022”. Photo by Maciej Moskwa for Żak Club

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