Photo: Magdalena Przybysz
On Saturday, 6 August (8 pm) Teatr HOTELOKO is delighted to invite everyone interested to the premiere of their performance on femininity, frau / mujer / femme, which will be held at the seat of Tatwerk PERFORMATIVE FORSCHUNG in Berlin (Gewerbehof Hasenheide 9, Aufgang 1, 3. OG ). Featuring meetings of people living in Warsaw and Berlin, the piece contemplates the ways in which the city aids one in being a woman, mother, wife, boss, teenager, sportswoman, director and artist. What is the most precious in femininity? What is the most fun? What is the most difficult? Based on a combination of performative actions and contemporary dance, the performance interweaves various tales of women and men from two European cities.
What?s your name?
Wie heisst du?
Where do you come from?
Was ist deine Herkunft?
Where were you born?
Wo bist du geboren?
What is the most beautiful experience you?ve had with femininity/masculinity?
Dein schönstes Erlebnis, das mit Weiblichkeit/Männlichkeit zusammenhängt?
What does it mean to you to be a woman/man?
Was heisst es für dich ein(e) Frau/Mann zu sein?
How much of your mother/father do you see in yourself?
Wie viel siehst du in dir von deiner Mutter/ deinem Vater?
Your favorite place in Warsaw/Berlin?
Dein Lieblingsort in Warschau/in Berlin?
Concept/dramaturgy/video: Agata Życzkowska
Choreography: Magdalena Przybysz
Starring: Ellen Gronwald, Katarzyna Kafel, Agata Życzkowska, Alfredo Bautista and residents of Warsaw and Berlin
Music: Alfredo Bautista
Production: ?NEW WAVE? Theatre Development Foundation
Special thanks for participation to Karina, Basia, Łucja, Zuzia, Marta, Wojtek, Tomek, Helenka, Barbara, Ania, Ilona, Teresa, Hielde, Sigrun, Julia, Katharina, Marianne, Monika, Heather, Maria, Sandro, Josh.
Teatr HOTELOKO was initiated by actress, director, performer and producer Agata Życzkowska. The company takes up artistic, educational and social project at the crossroads of dance, theater and performance, combining these art forms.
For more information, visit http://tatwerk-berlin.de/
About the artists:
Agata Życzkowska ? actress, performer, director, producer, graduate of the Acting Department at the Łódź Film School (2001). From the onset of her career, Życzkowska has been linked to physical theater, participating in projects at the junction of theater, dance and performance. She has been involved in numerous workshops with Jerzy Grotowski?s disciples (Eugenio Barba: Odin Week, ISTA; Abani Biswas: Milon Mela; Jairo Cuesta and James Sloviak: New Word Performance Laboratory; Bruce Myers and Toshi Tsuchitor: actors with Peter Brook? Raúl Iaiza: Teatro La Madrugada of Milan), and participated in contact improvisation workshops held by Ray Chung as part of the Warsaw Flow. She directed a dance performance Dziady (choreographed by Beata Wojciechowska), which was presented at the 2012 Warsaw Dance Stage. As a performer, she starred in THE SHOW MUST GO ON (choreographed by Jérôme Bel),m staged at the Dramatyczny Theatre in Warsaw (2011), and in Family Affair by the Italian collective ZimmerFrei, presented at the 2015 Warsaw Dance Stage at the National Audiovisual Institute. For several years, she collaborated with the Body/Mind Foundation, coordinating the Body/Mind Festival and the Warsaw Dance Stage, where she directed You KANT Dance, choreographed by Magdalena Przybysz. In 2011, she founded Teatr HOTELOKO, with whom she has been involved as a producer, actress and performer, realizing several projects, including a physical theater piece Pracownia Ludica nr 2 [no. 2 Ludica Workshop] in collaboration with the Spanish group Enczima Teatro (2011), as well as selfie (2014) and jutro: urodziny [tomorrow: birthday] (2015), also directing two artistic and social performances: nowe wyzwolenie [new liberation] (2015) and Syrena herbem twym zwodnicza/RZECZ O WOLNOŚCI (2016).
Magdalena Przybysz ? choreografka, performerka, tancerka. Jest jedną z bohaterek książek o tańcu Anny Królicy Pokolenie solo oraz antologii tekstów Nowy taniec. Rewolucje ciała. Była stypendystką Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego w 2013 roku oraz stypendystką Solo Projekt Art Station Foundation by Grażyna Kulczyk w 2009 roku. Jest absolwentką psychologii stosowanej na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim w Krakowie. Taneczną drogę artystyczną rozpoczęła w 2003 roku w Krakowie w Eksperymentalnym Studio Tańca (EST) Iwony Olszowskiej. Jej prace powstają często jako kooperacja z artystami innych dziedzin i pokazywane są podczas ważnych wydarzeń kulturalnych takich, jak: Festiwal Malta (Przesilenie letnie), CSW w Warszawie, Łodzi, Toruniu; podczas Europejskiego Kongresu Kultury we Wrocławiu (Wytnij-wklej), Cricoteca w Krakowie, Festiwal UNITHEA we Frankfurcie, Tanztage w Berlinie (Mój Poland Drive). Regularnie współpracuje z Teatrem HOTELOKO przy projektach artystyczno-społecznych i performansach, łączących wiele dziedzin sztuki. Obecnie pogłębia swój warsztat, biorąc udział w specjalistycznym kursie edukacji somatycznej Body Mind Centering?. Bada zagadnienia anatomii i biofizjologii, po czym przekłada tę wiedzę na język współczesnej choreografii.
Ellen Gronwald ? dancer, performer. Born in Frankfurt am Main, she began her dance and theater education in 2002, collaborating with Cologne?s Studiobühne. As a member of the youth Jugendclub Schauspielhaus Köln, she spent seven years studying contemporary dance. In 2008-2011, she returned to the Studiobühne with the lichtgestalteN collective, specializing in physical theater. Since 2008, she has lived in Berlin. Gronwald is a graduate of the Integrales Theater ? TATWERK Berlin, directed by Samuel Nunez, who works with Stanislavski?s, Grotowski?s and Artaud?s methods. In her work, she amalgamates contact improvisation with contemporary dance and elements of butoh dance. She has participated in numerous projects on the fringe of theater and dance, including TEA dance Europe express, presented at the Sophiensaele Festival in Berlin, where it received the Jury Award. The piece was also presented at the OutNow Festival in Bremen. At present, Ellen Gronwald and her husband are working on an audiovisual project titled Travelling Audiovisual Sciencefiction Performance.
Katarzyna Kafel ? actress and performer. She studied physical theater at the Integrales Theater ? TATWERK Berlin and completed literary studies at the University of Wrocław. Kafel is part of the TATWERK ENSEMBLE theatre collective, where she has starred in the adaptation of Tennessee Williams?s A Streetcar Named Desire, Bernard-Marie Kolt?s?s Durst and Roberto Zucco, Oscar Wilde?s Salome and Jean Genet?s The Maids, among others. As a performer with DER LACK IST AB, she has participated in cyclical artistic projects (der Lack ist ab, Weltuntergang), creating a new physical language. Kafel?s collaborations include Ryszard Nieoczym, Samuel Nu?ez, Marcio Carerra, Christina Emig-König, Vicent Gisbert. As an actress, she has performed in August Strindberg?s The Stronger ? a combination of physical and dramatic theater directed by Marianne Klausen and staged at the Brotfabrik in Berlin ? and in Teatr HOTELOKO?s selfie/kiste.
Teatr HOTELOKO was initiated by actress, director, performer and producer Agata Życzkowska. The company takes up artistic, educational and social project at the crossroads of dance, theater and performance, combining these art forms.
The name is related to the idea of:
With Support: