Fot. z materiałów ASF.
On Friday, 31 May (6 pm) Berlin’s Uferstudios (Studio 2) are presenting a work-in-progress performance of Rafał Dziemidok’s My life in tears produced by the Koncentrat Artistic Group. The work is part of an art residence programme organised in Berlin by the Institute of Music and Dance in association with Mica Moca and Uferstudios. Admission free.
Description of the project:
My life in tearsis a new creation by Koncentrat Artistic Group, an internationally working artistic enterprise, currently seated in Berlin. The title of the piece expresses the idea of using dance as a tool to tell concrete stories of people’s lives. The project tries to reconcile the need to preserve the abstract nature of the language of movement and narrations originating in the bodies/characters created by the performers.
These characters are storytellers, masters of ceremony, comedians, clowns or combinations of such clichés – culturally endowed with the competence to amuse the audience and preach to them, mostly by way of sublimation of their own personal experiences present in their physicality.
The figurative, non-linear, yet linguistically rich narration style used in the piece is inspired by paintings of Hieronymus Bosch and was developed within the framework of „Laboratoire Bestiaire“, a master class held in March 2012 in La Briqueterie in Val de Marne.
Concept & Choreography: Rafał Dziemidok Lighting- & Set-Design: Ewa Garniec Music: JS Bach, arranged and played by Raphael Rogiński Costumes: Petra Korink Performer: Rafał Dziemidok, Ewa Garniec Production management: Cilgia Gadola, Christophe Knoch, Raisa Kröger, Marta Zientkowska; Produced by Koncentrat Artistic Group, co-produced by Stary Browar, Poznań, Poland; Mica/Moca, Berlin, Germany; La Briqueterie, Val de Marne, France. Supported by Polish Music and Dance Institute, Insitute of Adam Mickiewicz