Fot. materiały ASF.
The International Tanzmesse NRW in Düsseldorf will be held from 31 August to 3 September 2016. Featuring dance professionals and enthusiasts from around the world, the event will include several hundred exhibitors, daily presentations of performances and films covering latest choreographic works and achievements. The Institute of Music and Dance will participate in the event for the third time as exhibitor, represented by Deputy Director Joanna Szymajda, Marta Michalak and Julia Hoczyk. Also representing Poland at the Düsseldorf fair will be the Bytom Dance and Movement Theatre ROZBARK and Maciej Kuźmiński.
As part of the fair, the Institute of Music and Dance would like to invite all interested parties to attend the discussion panel Contemporary Dance in Central and Eastern Europe: What?s hot, what?s not?, held on 2 September at 5:30 pm at Tanzhaus NRW. The meeting will be moderated by deputy director Joanna Szymajda; the list of speakers includes Julia Hoczyk (Poland), Ana Vujanović (Serbia), Ingrida Gerbutaviči?t? (Lithuania). The starting point for the discussion will be the collection European Dance since 1989: Communitas and the Other, published by Routledge and the Institute of Music and Dance. Although it has only been two years since the publication of European Dance since 1989, it seems the consciousness of the notion of dance identity in Central and Eastern Europe has been growing ever more intensely. Is it possible today to speak of ?Eastern? or ?Western? dance? How have local or national perspectives influenced contemporary dance? We will examine all that through the lens of artistic, curatorial, managerial and research practices.
As part of the presentations accompanying the fair, Maciej Kuźmiński will present his piece Repetition (2 September, 9:15-10:10 pm, Tanzhaus NRW).
About the performance:
Repetition, a visual essay about the essence of identity, poses the question if there is such a thing as repetition. As in Bergman?s Persona, the differences and similarities between two women seem to blur, only to reappear afterwards in more detail. The complicated choreography requires unimaginable concentration from the dancers, and provokes the question whether repetition is possible at all.
“Thinking is a game of difference and repetition,” says Gilles Deleuze, whose texts have inspired the choreography.
Choreography and concept: Maciej Kuźmiński
Dramaturgy and texts: Adam Hypki
Lighting: Michał Mackiewicz
Technical assistance: Michał Mackiewicz, Maciej Kosteczka/Oscar Mafa
Costumes: Justyna Jakubczyk-Lassota
Dancers Daniela Komędera, Agnieszka Bednarz
Music: Antonio Vivaldi Four Seasons, performed by: Academia Bizantina
Produced by Culture Centre in Lublin, City Culture Centre in Zduńska Wola
Realised with funding from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage within a programme of grants for artistic activity, with financial support of the Lublin Dance Theatre and the Institute of Music and Dance.
Executive producers: Maciej Kuźmiński, Maria Marcinkiewicz-Górna (Cukier Puder Foundation).
List of exhibitors and detailed dance fair schedule: http://www.tanzmesse-nrw.com/