Laureaci Grand Prix de Paris 2017 wraz z członkami Jury. © Nora Houguenade.
On Sunday, 11 March 2017, Paris?s Grande halle de la Villette hosted the finale of the second edition of the international competition Grand Prix de Paris 2017.
Grand Prix de Paris ?Let?s DANCE?? is a unique initiative that enables young, professional dancers to perform before a prestigious Jury comprising nationally and internationally renowned directors of theatres, operas and dance companies, as well as choreographers, thus spurring their professional careers, says Daniel Agésilas, president of the Grand Prix de Paris Jury, a long-time associate of Opera National de Paris and former director of the CNSMDP in Paris.
The finalists of the 2017 edition of Grand Prix de Paris had a chance to perform before a prestigious Jury presided by Daniel Agésilas of Opera National de Paris, accompanied by Noëlla Pontois, Marie-Claude Pietragalla, Cathy Bisson, Charles Jude, Thierry Malandain, Guillaume Siard, François Delétraz, Mourad Merzouki, Attilio Labis, Robert Swinston, Jacek Przybyłowicz and Paul Vaudeville.
The Jury awarded 8 Grand Prix de Paris 2017 awards; the list of laureates included several Polish artists:
The ?Young Talent? Grand Prix de Paris 2017 was awarded ex aequo to Lola Potiron, Viola Esmeralda Grappiolo and Hanna Szychowicz, student at the Feliks Parnell Ballet School in Łódź, who received a joint prize of PLN 3450.
The ?Young Professionals? Grand Prix de Paris 2017 for contemporary dancers was awarded ex aequo toMohana Rapin and Viktoria Nowak, graduate of the Olga Sławska-Lipczyńska Ballet School in Poznań, currently affiliated with the Stanisław Moniuszko Grand Theatre in Poznań, who received a joint prize of PLN 4745.
The ?Young Professionals? Grand Prix de Paris 2017 for modern & jazz dancers was awarded to Jakub Pursa, graduate of the Roman Turczynowicz Ballet School in Warsaw, who received a joint prize of PLN 4745.
The Grand Prix de Paris 2017 prize was awarded to Gento Yoshimoto, laureate of the ?Young Professionals? Grand Prix de Paris 2017 for classical dancers; Gento Yoshimoto is a member of the ballet company of the Stanisław Moniuszko Grand Theatre in Poznań; he was awarded a joint prize of PLN 8620.
The Rudolf Nureyev Grand Prix de Paris 2017 prize was awarded to Youn?s Attoum.
The list of Competition partners, who have generously extended their support to Grand Prix de Paris, includes the Polish Embassy in Paris, the Institute of music and Dance, Fondation Rudolf Nureyev, Fondation Serge Lifar, Centre National de la Danse and Institut Francais.
The preselections for Grand Prix de Paris 2018 will take place in France, Poland and 5 other countries. More information on the second edition of Polish preselections for Grand Prix de Paris will follow soon.
Should you wish to learn more on how to enrol your students for the Grand Prix de Paris 2018 competition, please contact us via e-mail or by phone.
On behalf of the organizers, we wish to invite everyone to the Polish dance fair ? Let?s DANCE ? Dance Festival, which will take place at Centrum EXPO XXI in Warsaw.
Saturday, 20 May 2017, 9:30 am – 7:30 pm
Sunday, 21 May 2017, 9:30 am – 5:30 pm
The dance fair will feature presentations by the winners of Polish preselections for Grand Prix de Paris ?Let?sDANCE??.
Information and bookings: www.letsdancepoland.com