Projekt: Maciej Salamon.
The Institute of Music and Dance, East European Performing Arts Platform, the Centre for Culture in Lublin and Lublin Dance Theatre as well as the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin would like to invite you to the international conference Identity-autonomy-critical discours. Dance in Central and Eastern Europe after 1989, which will be held on 8–9 November 2012 in Lublin, at the 16th International Dance Theatres Festival.
The conference is dedicated to the transformations that have occurred in the world of dance in Central and Eastern Europe since 1989, from the perspective of artists, scientists and critics. Guests from several countries, including authors of the book New Dance in Europe after 1989. Communitas and the Other issued by the Institute of Music and Dance and Routledge, members of the East-European EEPAP network and researchers from the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin will be discussing the complex issues of dance identity and autonomy, and of constructing critical discourse.