Projekt: Maciej Salamon.
After editions dedicated to personalities and various fields of art, such as music, visual arts and literature, the festival gets back to its roots, posing questions about the meaning of the word MEETING – featured in the name of the Festival since its very beginning.
Meeting is not only “communication of personalities”, mutual inspiration and learning, collaboration on a new artistic quality. To meet – might mean to continue master’s way with thorough respect, but also to question this way. Meeting might be a dialogue or a fierce dispute. A desire to communicate or an irresistible need to emphasize one’s individuality. Yet, it is always an intensive process, leading to original and interesting artistic developments.
The programme includes performances of artists from Germany, Portugal, Israel, France, Switzerland and the USA as well as special evening dedicated to Polish artists only (11 November). The programme also features film presentations, meetings with artists, lectures, a conference on dance after 1989, Mobile Academy of Dance Criticism, workshops and master classes.
Details can be found in the sections Calendar/Events or at: www.dancefestival.lublin.pl
06/11/2012 – Tuesday
6:00 pm “Battle for culture. Why dance?” – debate | Stary (Old) Theatre
8:00pm cie. toula limnaios / Germany – “every single day” 70′ | ACK UMCS “Chatka Żaka”
10:00 pm Meeting with artists: Toula Limnaios, Ralf Ollertz | Warsztaty Kultury – Festival Club
07/11/2012 – Wednesday
6:00 pm Vera Mantero / Portugal – “Olympia” 17′ / “Silence Course” – version by Vera Montero 45′ – film / “What can be said about Pierre“ 17′ | Warsztaty Kultury
8:00 pm Yasmeen Godder / Israel – “Storm end come” 60′ | ACK UMCS “Chatka Żaka”
10:00 pm Meeting with artists: Yasmeen Godder, Vera Mantero | Warsztaty Kultury – Festival Club
08/11/2012 – Thursday
6:00 pm King / Knittel / Łopacki – USA/Polska – LublinMix “lecture on nothing with…..” 50′ – concert | Stary (Old) Theatre
8:00 pm Choroeography by Merce Cunningham / USA – “Lublin Event” 60′ | ACK UMCS “Chatka Żaka”
10:00 pm Meeting with artists: dancers of Merce Cunningham | Warsztaty Kultury – Festival Club
09/11/2012 – Friday
6:00pm Maguy Marin “May B” / France 60′ – film | Stary (Old) Theatre
8:00 pm Company Wejna / France – “On A Temporary Basis” 60′ | Warsztaty Kultury
10:00 pm Festival Club – Meeting with artists: Sylvie Pabiot | Warsztaty Kultury
10/11/2012 – Saturday
6:00 pm Yves Netzhammer / Switzerland “Dialogical Abrasion”, “Adressen unmöglicher Orte” 60′ – films | Stary (Old) Theatre
8:00 pm annahuber.compagnie. / Switzerland – “Aufräumarbeiten im Wasserfall” 70′ | Warsztaty Kultury
10:00 pm – Festival Club – Meeting with artists: Anna Huber, Yves Netzhammer | Warsztaty Kultury
11/11/2012 – Sunday
6:00 pm “Polish dialogues”: Kolegtyw Theatreand DanceOFFnia “Playground” / Poland – Białystok 36′, Anna Haracz – Kino Variatino “The Blue Rosonanse” / Poland – Gdańsk 20′, Cracow Dance Theatre “Quadriga for THREE” / Poland – Cracow 40′, Lublin Dance Theatre “Fatal Error” / Poland – Lublin 30′, Magdalena Ptasznik “surface. territory” / Poland – Warsaw 28′, Pracownia Fizyczna “Re:action” / Poland – Łódź 40′ | Warsztaty Kultury
10:00 pm Contemporary Dance Group of Lublin University of Technology / Poland – Lublin “…” performance | Warsztaty Kultury
10:30 pm Festival Club – Meeting with artists: Karolina Garbacik, Anna Haracz, Eryk Makohon, Beata Mysiak, Ryszard Kalinowski, Magdalena Ptasznik, Jacek Owczarek | Warsztaty Kultury
Conference, 8 – 9 November, Brama Grodzka Centre – NN Theatre, 21 Grodzka Street
Tickets for the performances and concert are available at the Centre for Culture in Lublin (32 Narutowicza Street), from 11.00 am to 5.00 pm, and one hour before every performance on the spot.
Festival passes are available at the Centre for Culture in Lublin only.
Ticket prices: for the performances on 6–10 November and the concert: discount ticket – 15 PLN / full ticket – 25 PLN
Polish marathon on 11 November: discount ticket 20 PLN / full ticket 30 PLN
Festival pass prices: discount pass 100 PLN / full pass 150 PLN / for workshop participants 70 PLN
Films at Stary (Old) Theatre – participation is free. Free tickets are available at the Centre for Culture in Lublin.
Please note: four free tickets for one spectator maximum.