The exchange program between Polish and Philadelphia-based choreographers, launched in 2012 by Grazyna Kulczyk’s Art Stations Foundation, Stary Browar dance studio (Poznan, Poland), the Institute of Music and Dance, the Polish Cultural Institute New York, and Dance/USA Philadelphia, continues this year with a specialized residency for two Polish choreographers in Philadelphia: Irena Lipińska and Tomasz Foltyn (12-26 September). The program offers artists a unique study opportunity, not linked to producing a show, to experience a new community, take artistic risks, reshape the choreographers’ artistic practice, discuss their creative processes, and finally to find inspiration. As in previous years, Polish artists will be hosted by Dance/USA Philadelphia in partnership with the FringeArts Festival, Mascher Space Cooperative, and Headlong Performance Institute. The artists will have opportunities to share their artistic experience about their work with local artists, to teach and to take classes, as well as attend FringeArts performances.
The Exchange is made possible by Dance/USA Philadelphia (USA), Art Stations Foundation by Grazyna Kulczyk (Poznan), Stary Browar (Poznan), the Institute of Music and Dance (Warsaw) and the Polish Cultural Institute New York.