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This year?s Malta Festival Poznań will welcome choreography icon Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, who will grace the event with her two renowned pieces: Fase, in which she stars herself (14-15 June, 7pm), and Drumming (21 and 22 June, 7pm and 8pm, respectively). After the first showing on 14 June, the artist will meet her audience. The meeting will be hosted by Anna Królica. All presentations will take place at the auditorium of the School of Humanities and Journalism (WSNHiD, ul. Kutrzeby 10). Admission free; prior reservation required ( The festival will also feature a screening a video recording of Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker?s Rain as performed by the ballet of the Opéra national de Paris and dance etudes by students of the renowned P.A.R.T.S. which  De Keersmaeker founded (28 June, 9pm, Plac Wolności).


About the performances:

Fase (1982) is De Keersmaeker?s choreographic debut, staged for the first time at the age of 22 to an immediate acclaim of both audiences and critics. It remains the artist?s most frequently shown choreography. The performance, in which she stars herself, is a fascinating experience arising from the combination of pure, abstract movement and extremely powerful emotions which it triggers. Fase consists of two duets and one solo, made to four of Steve Reich?s compositions: Piano PhaseCome OutViolin PhaseClapping Music from the late 1960s and early 1970s. In the compositions, a musician plays a phrase that has been performed before at a slower pace by other musicians. The motifs wander from one instrument to another, creating a plethora of mirror images. The choreography is built on the same phrasing principle: repetition and shifting. The result is a mechanism that delights with its excellence and, above all, simplicity and natural character.


Drumming (1998) is one of Anna Teresa De Keersmaeker?s most fascinating choreographies. It is based on Steve Reich?s composition with the same title. The work by this pioneer of American minimalism was created in the years 1970-1971, shortly after his journey to Africa. Apart from human voices used like instruments, it also employs bongos, marimbas, bells and a piccolo. One rhythmic motif, developing into numerous diverse structures, recurs obsessively. Keersmaeker?s choreography is also built around one dance phrase, which undergoes mutations in time and space. The choreographer remains true to the original composition?s spirit but takes it a bit further. The audience witnesses a fascinating journey, feeling incoming waves of energy in the form of pure dance and sound.


More about the artist


More about the festival:


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