Pictured: Ramona Nagabczyńska, News (Dis)Order. Photo: Marta Ankiersztejn.
Aerowaves is a network that seeks out new dance from younger choreographers, and offers them performances in other European countries. The annual Aerowaves meeting took place inLublinfrom 24 to 27 October 2013, gathering38 members of the network, representing 25 European countries.Of 419 eligible applications, 20 were selected as Priority Companies, including New (Dis)Order by Ramona Nagabczyńska. The selected artists hail from 14 countries. Many of them will be presented in our next Spring Forward festival 24-27 April 2014 in Umeå, Sweden as a part of its celebrations as European Capital of Culture.
Below you will find a list of selected projects:
1. Spitfire Company, Czech Republic, One Step Before the Fall,www.spitfirecompany.cz
2. Clément Dazin, France, Bruit de couloir
3. Lander Patrick, Portugal, Cascas d’OvO
4. Antonin Comestaz, The Netherlands, Out of the Grey
5. Hodworks, Hungary, Dawn,www.hodworks.hu
6. Csaba Molnár, Viktória Dányi & Tamara Zsófia Vadas, Hungary, Skin Me
7. Tereza Ondrová & Peter Šavel, Czech Republic, Boys Who Like To Play With Dolls,www.altart.cz
8. Panic Productions, Iceland, Step right to it,www.panicproductions.is
9. Daniel Kok / Diskodanny, Belgium, The Gay Romeo,www.diskodanny.com
10. Gala Moody & Michael Carter, Spain, One Final Evolutionary Note,michaelcarter.es
11. Olga Tsvetkova, Russia, Repose,olgatsvetkova.wordpress.com
12. Cie BurnOut, France, P = mg
13. Mamoru Iriguchi, UK, Projector/Conjector,www.iriguchi.co.uk
14. Anna Maria Häkkinen & Jarkko Partanen, Finland, Dig my jockey – Live version, www.jarkkopartanen.com
15. Melkorka & Kata, Iceland, Coming Up,www.melkorkasigridur.wordpress.com
16. Maria M. Cabeza de Vaca, Spain, Una forma facil de acabar con todo,www.trans-forma.es
17. Ramona Nagabczynski, Poland, New (Dis)Order,ramonanagabczynska.wordpress.com
18. Alexis Vassiliou, Cyprus, Please be gentle,www.alexisvassiliou.com
19. Eléonore Valère Lachky Company, Belgium, Whirling
20. DISH Dance/Aoife McAtamney, Ireland, Softer Swells,www.dishdance.com