Fot. materiały organizatorów.
Festival in Xi’an, China on 24-25 September 2014, on invitation from the Chinese culture ministry. The event, held for the first time this year, welcomes ensembles from China, India, Taiwan, Bulgaria, Turkey, Russia, Lithuania, and Poland (Kielce Dance Theatre), performing on seven stages. The Kielce ensemble will present four shows in Xi’an:
– Stół bez szczęścia [A Table Without Luck],a choreography by Elżbieta Szlufik-Pańtak
– Sen Jakuba [Jacob’s Dream], a choreography by Grzegorz Pańtak
– Maja ławeczka [My Little Bench], a choreography by Elżbieta Szlufik-Pańtak
– Monochrome, a choreography by Jacek Przybyłowicz
More information: http://www.chinaculture.org/