Pictured: Mats Ek. Fot. Roger Stenberg.
The Institute of Music and Dance and the National Theatre in Warsaw have the pleasure to hold a meeting with Mats Ek to take place on Friday, 14 June, at 4 pm at the National Theatre in Warsaw (Scena Studio, enter from Wierzbowa Street). The meeting will be hosted by Jadwiga Majewska and Aleksander Laskowski. The event accompanies the performance of The Ghost Sonata by Stockholm’s Royal Dramatic Theatre directed by Mats Ek at the National Theatres’ Meeting 2013 on 13 and 14 June (7 pm).
Mats Ekis one of Europe’s most prominent choreographers, who has also been greatly successful as director of dramatic plays. He began working in theatre in 1966, while his first ballet came to life ten years later. In 1999 Ek staged Carmen at Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera in Warsaw. The Ghost Sonata will be Ek’s first dramatic play to be staged in Poland. Mats Ek is a winner of the Emmy Award.