Zero Jigen, Ritual forNippon ’69: Bizarre Sex Zones, directed by: Nakajima Sadao, Ginza, Tokio, 1968, photo by Kitade Yukio, courtesy of Kato Yoshihiro
“Off-hinge / Off-center. Alternative histories for 20th century performance” is the third part of a research programme devoted to performance art, run by the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw (MSN) in cooperation with André Lepecki, associate professor at the Department of Performance Studies at New York University (NYU) and in Stockholm (Uniarts).
The increasing significance of performance in contemporary art practice prompts a question of a chronological and political nature: what other histories of performance may lie underneath dominant narrations of its origins in the USA and Western Europe?
Art historians and curators from across the world have been recently making efforts to revise performance’s genealogy by turning towards peripheral areas where performance art has been created and surprising influences it has undergone. The series of lectures “Off-hinge / Off-center. Alternative histories for 20th century performance” features five prominent historians and curators, hailing from Japan, Brazil, Slovenia, Russia, and Portugal, who are going to present the results of their research and thus join in the MSN’s efforts to rewrite art history by looking at it from different perspectives. The programme starts in February and will last until May 2015.
First meetings are scheduled for 26 and 27 February 2015. On Thursday, at 6 pm, Raiji Kuroda will give a lecture on Subversion of the Everyday: Ritual Performance Art in the 1960s Japan. On Friday, at 6 pm, Mr Kuroda and André Lepecki will run a seminar that will include a screening of archival Japanese performances from the 1960s. Admission to both events is free.
Venue: MSN, ul. Emilii Plater 51, Warsaw
26 and 27 February (Thursday and Friday) ? lecture and seminar by Raiji Kuroda (art historian and curator, Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, Japan)
11 and 12 March (Wednesday/Thursday) ? Claudia Calirman (art historian, curator, professor of John Jay College, CUNY)
1 and 2 April (Wednesday/Thursday) ? Verónica Metello (art historian, curator, researcher at CEIS XX, Coimbra University)
15 and 16 April (Tuesday/Wednesday) ? Nataša Petrešin-Bachelez (art historian, curator, lecturer at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris)
13 and 14 May (Wednesday/Thursday) ? Sasha Obukhova (art historian, curator, director of the Art Projects Foundation)