Ogniwa/Aria de Prefiche Photo: Piotr Gamdzyk
The Institute of Music and Dance and the Witold Lutosławski Society present two music productions set to Witold Lutosławski’s music, both to be performed at the Polski Theatre (ul. Karasia 2) in Warsaw. The first one, Ogniwa [Links] – a programme of new choreographies (Grey Summer,Aria di Prefiche,Pewnego razu – teraz) by Piotr Czubowicz, Kaya Kołodziejczyk and Robert Glumbek – will be shown on 3 February (7 pm). The second, Pan Lutosławski [Mr Lutosławski] – a music show for children and young people – will be presented on 4 February (6 pm). We have 5 two-person invitations for Ogniwa and 3 two-person invitations for Pan Lutosławski in store for our readers. You may obtain them by sending an e-mail to julia.hoczyk@taniecpolska.pl.
Ogniwa [Links]
Little Suite, Musique funèbre and Chains No. 1 and 2 have provided the musical setting for a dance triptych conceived by three Polish choreographers. Two of them – Kaya Kołodziejczyk and Piotr Czubowicz – are representatives of the young artistic generation and winners of the Opera na Zamku’s competition for young choreographers. The third one of the trio – Robert Glumbek – is an eminent Polish chorographer who has been working mostly in Germany and Canada, and the present project is his first collaboration with a Polish company. The choreographies are performed to the accompaniment of live music by the orchestra of Opera na Zamku conducted by Jerzy Wołosiuk.Solo parts are played by Ilian Garnetz– a young Moldavian violinist and a winner of a range of prestigious international violin competitions.
Pan Lutosławski [Mr Lutosławski]
This contemporary show presents a gripping tale of the life and work of Lutosławski,underscoring important life values and the significance of the internal need to experiencelive art to a sensitive, cultured person. The story unfolds on two planes: on the first one theaudience is witnessing a mad journalist’s interview with the composer, listening to his musicand even get a peep of his orchestra rehearsals (which serves an opportunity to introducechildren in a fun and easy way to a few musical concepts and movements, e.g. aleatoricmusic). The second plane is constituted by the Polish Radio’s archive radio play based on
Andersen’s fairy tale The Nightingale (Kwiatkowska, Kobuszewski, Zawadzka et al), whichserves as the accompaniment to which the artists of the Musical Theatre in Łódź dance onstage. Both planes intersect in an extraordinary way, which – complete with the beautifulstage design, colourful costumes and Lutosławski’s music played live by young virtuosos –creates an unforgettable overall effect.
Produced under the programme “Lutosławski 2013 – Promesa” of the Polish Minister ofCulture and National Heritage.
Both productions are part of the 11th Witold Lutosławski Festival “Łańcuch” [Chain] and their presentation will conclude the Year ofLutosławskicelebrations. Produced under the programme “Lutosławski 2013 – Promesa” of the Polish Minister of Culture and National Heritage.