De grote Oorlog. Fot. Herman Helle.
From Tuesday to Thursday (25-27 October 2016), the Art and Present Time Foundaiton and the Centre for Contemporary Culture ? Ujazdowski Castle will host several events featuring the Rotterdam-based Hotel Modern and Arthur Sauer, who are visiting Poland as part of the 23rd International Meeting of Live Arts CROSSROADS festival (this year?s edition features performances by artists from Holland and Poland). On Tuesday (6 pm) Pauline Kraker and Arthur Sauer will give a lecture on the oeuvre of Rotterdam?s Hotel Modern. The lecture will be illustrated by a screening of excerpts from the company?s performances.
On Wednesday (7 pm) and Thursday (6 pm), the Centre for Contemporary Culture ? Ujazdowski Castle (ul. Jazdów 2) will host Hotel Modern and Arthur Sauer?s De grote Oorlog (The Great War). While watching this animated performance, the audience also becomes a witness of a live animation film ? a kind of ?documentary? from the trenches of World War I. Thanks to authentic letters written by soldiers during the war, and images from trenches filmed with minicameras, the horror and absurd of war will be brought to individual human dimension. The first presentation of the performance will be followed by a meeting with the artists.
Concept: Hotel Modern and Arthur Sauer
Makers and performers: Herman Helle, Pauline Kalker, Arl?ne Hoornweg
Sound concept and Foley artist: Arthur Sauer
Performers: Pauline Kalker, Maartje van den Brink i Menno Vroon
Stage design: Herman Helle
Props (heads of veterans and the dying horse): Cathrin Boer
Texts: soldier Prospert Eyssautier, Max Beckmann, Erich Maria Remarque and others
Technician: Joris van Oosterhout
Special thanks to Edwin van Steenbergen
Asystent produkcji: Aram Visser
Special thanks to André Dekker, who found Prospert Eyssautier?s soldier letters.
The Hotel Modern Theatre is subsidized by the City of Rotterdam and the Performing Arts Fund
Hotel Modern theatre is lead by visual artist Herman Helle and actresses Pauline Kalker and Arlene Hoornweg. In The Great War they also collaborated with sound artist Arthur Sauer, a composer of live created soundtrack. The group works on the fringe of theatrical and film animation, theatre and visual arts. They blend theatrical and film animation in a very innovative way, contriving a new form: a live animation film. The space of the performance is used as a filmset with sound studio and miniature model reconstruction of an authentic landscape. Animated objects are filmed with the use of minicameras from which image is transmitted to a big screen. The artists from Rotterdam perfectly combine documentary materials with fiction, skillfully balancing between reality and illusion. The narration of the performance will be read in English. De Grote Oorlog(The Great War) will be presented twice at the Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle.
Tickets for Hotel Modern theatre and Dada von Bzdülöw Theatre performances will be available at the CCA/Ujazdowski Castle (ul. Jazdów 2).
Tickets: 40 PLN, 25 PLN.
The first showing of the performance will be followed by meeting with artists in the CCA ? Ujazdowski Castle.
The interdisciplinary festival International Meeting of Live Arts. CROSSROADS (organised every year since 1994) presents valuable, innovative performances at the crossroads between theatre, dance and visual arts. During the 23rd edition of the CROSSROADS Festival, artists from Netherlands and Poland will present performances at the crossroads between modern dance and theatre, as well as shows combining live theatrical animation and film.
Partner of the presentation of Happiness performance: The Nowy Teatr International Cultural Centre:
Partner of the Festival: Qchnia Artystyczna.
CROSSROADS Festival is co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, City of Warsaw and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands: