Art Dance Company

Zdjęcie: Art Dance Company

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Art Dance Company was set up in 2009 within the Ballet of the Cracow Dance Academy. Its members as graduates of the academy and the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Fraknkfurt, as well as dancers with ZASP (Association of Polish Theatre, Film, Radio and Television Artists) diplomas. The company has developed a range of productions which premiered at Cracows theatres. For two artistic seasons it has performed at Scena Pod Ratuszem as part of the showcase Cracow Chamber Ballet Stage. Art Dance Company regularly takes part in the Cracow Theatre Nights and Score for Body and Movement. It has also performed as part of the showcase Contemporary Dance Stage for the Young held at the Old Town Youth Culture Centre in Cracow. Art Dance Company dancers have taken part in such artistic events as Expo Lifestyle in Warsaw, Salsa Crystal Festival in Wieliczka, Silesian Garden of Arts in Koszęcin, and many commercial events across Poland.


The company keeps working on new projects and choreographies, both solo and group pieces. The artists collaborate with the Kraków Philharmonic, the Summer School of Contemporary Dance in Koszęcin, the Kraków Opera, and the Cracovia Danza Court Ballet. Art Dance Companys productions use the techniques of contemporary, jazz, and classical dance. The dancers keep learning and developing their skills thanks to participating in workshops around the world, their collaborations with different artists, and involvement in interdisciplinary projects and artistic events.


Most important productions:

Momenty (Moments) 2009, choreography by Małgorzata Dorosiewicz Witczak

Dancework 2009, choreography by Małgorzata Dorosiewicz Witczak

My life, my love, and.. 2011, choreography by Małgorzata Dorosiewicz Witczak

sześć przez trzy (six divided by three)  2012, choreography by Katarzyna Pamuła, Bernadetta Zwierowska, Magdalena Wołoch, Karolina Skarżyńska, A. Witalisz

Niesione słowem (Carried with the word)  2013, choreography by Katarzyna Pamuła, Berdardetta Zwierowska, Marta Pałka



Katarzyna Pamuła

Bernadetta Zwierowska

Karolina Skarżyńska

Agnieszka Witalisz

Magdalena Wołoch

Marta Mück (formerly: Pałka)




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