W dniach 9 i 11 sierpnia w Studiu 42 przy ul. Twardej 42 w Warszawie odbędą się warsztaty GaGa z Adi Weinberg. Warsztaty prowadzone są w języku angielskim.

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9/8 Friday 9.00-10.00 AM
11/8 Sunday 18.30-19.30 PM

Studio 42, ul. Twarda 42, Warsaw

Please book your ticket in advance to each class/workshop – the number of participants is limited.
Book your tickets here:

(Pick up the option that’s fits your financial ability -> it is up to you!)
1 hour GAGA class:
Option 3 -> 60 PLN per class
Option 2 -> 55 PLN per class
Option 1 -> 50 PLN per class

Gaga classes offer a framework for users to connect to their bodies and imaginations, experience physical sensations, improve their flexibility and stamina, exercise their agility and explosive power, and enjoy the pleasure of movement. Gaga’s movement language is developed by Ohad Naharin, house choreographer of Batsheva Dance Company, and constantly evolving.

Learn more about Gaga here: www.gagapeople.com

Gaga classes are for people aged 16+.
The language of instruction is English.
Class starts on time, no entry for late comers.
Participants should wear comfortable clothes and be prepared to dance barefoot or in socks.

Read more about Adi Weinberg and her work here:

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