People of dance

Anna Achimowicz

  • choreographer
  • dancer
Zdjęcie: Anna Achimowicz

Anna Achimowicz. Z archiwum artystki.

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Anna Achimowicz – independent dancer, choreographer, dance teacher, certified GYROKINESIS® teacher, culture coordinator. She completed a two-year course for contemporary dance instructors organized by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage in Warsaw and LMA® Laban Movement Analysis Course with Janet Kaylo. In 2006–2007 she also studied at IDA – Anton Bruckner University in Linz (Austria). In 2011 she graduated in physiotherapy from the Medical Sciences Faculty at the Masovian College in Warsaw. She is interested in contemporary and physical dance, but also in contact improvisation, butoh dance, multimedia, dance video and street theatre.

She took her first steps in the world of dance in 1996 in Janusz Józefowicz’s “Metro” Studio at Buffo Theatre. Then she engaged in other forms of dance and movement. She took lessons from dance artists from all over the world: from Poland – Anna Godowska, Jacek Łumiński, Maria Pietruszka; from Austria – Johhanes Randolf, Bettina Schaefer, Georg Blashke and many others.

She first came across a body work formula called GYROKINESIS® in 2003, while working with Johannes Randolf from Austria, and later also with Randi R.-Liebnau (GYROTONIC®). She has taken part in education programmes of GYROTONIC® since 2007/2008.

Achimowicz is the author of solo performances, i.e. Zaginiona…, Goya’s Nightmare (Free Zone Award at the 2004 themed edition of PolemiQi Festival in Warsaw), Smell me…primo, Nie oddychaj“07, and duos Cele (2005), Girls just wanna have some spine (2006), Urban Dance project (2012).

She carried out international projects, such as: Tam gdzie kończy się moje ciało… (Where my body ends…) with Druga Strefa Theatre and tanzteatherGlobal at the international art research location Schloss Broellin (Germany). She took part in many dance and movement projects, such as: a Polish-German exchange Butoh body in Chlewiska, a residence for artists TRIATLON 2006 in Zagreb, Live video with Gob Squad in Cracow and others. In 2004–2005 she collaborated with Dance Development Foundation (as the coordinator of an internet project at PolemiQi 2005 ) and “Distance” Dance Theatre (currently: Mufmi Dance Theatre) with whom she created Szafosza. Since 2008 she has honed her skills in modal underground technique with a well-known artist in Poland Thierry Verger.

In 2010 she founded SYNEGRETIC, a company representing Gyrokinesis® technique in Warsaw and she has been involved in educational activities in the field of contemporary dance, body re-education and personal training. She has collaborated with Carolina Medical Centre in Warsaw and Praxis Roemerstrasse in Linz. In the same year she received Certificate of Award, Huebners WHO is Who and her entry to Personenenzyklopaedien as a young author. In 2012, she also received her entry to Huebners WHO is Who European Women edition. She is the author of texts and articles on dance training, physiotherapy and health prevention in dance.

Anna Achimowicz. Z archiwum artystki.
Anna Achimowicz. Z archiwum artystki.
Anna Achimowicz. Z archiwum artystki.
Anna Achimowicz. Z archiwum artystki.
Anna Achimowicz (z przodu). Fot. z archiwum artystki.
Anna Achimowicz. Z archiwum artystki.
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