People of dance

Zdjęcie: Anna Szopa

Junkie. Fot. Tomasz Zerek.

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Anna Szopa a soloist of the Wrocław Opera. She graduated from the Ballet School in Poznań and in dance pedagogy from the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw. She started her artistic career at the Conrad Drzewiecki’s Polish Dance Theatre. Since 1996 she has been a soloist of the Wrocław Opera ballet. She played numerous leading roles both in classical and contemporary ballets, including: Soloist I and II in Les Sylphides, Nun in The Mess, Krasawica in Pan Twardowski, Two Swans in Swan Lake, Soloist in La Valses, Columbine in The Nutcracker, Stepsister in Cinderella and Eva in Exodus. She took part in numerous tours aboard: in Germany, Netherlands and UK, to name a few. She also performed in Austria and Switzerland. She also took part in most of the opera shows produced by the Wrocław Opera. She debuted as a choreographer in 2005 with A po południu zatańcz siebie w kolorach księżyca presented in the Wrocław Opera. She also works a dance teacher. She was decorated with the Medal of 200 Years of Polish Balle, Badge of Merit to Culture and Bronze Cross of Merit.

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