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Zdjęcie: Eva Lackova

Eva Lackova

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Eva Lackova – born in 1976, a Slovak dancer and teacher, currently working in Poland.

She graduated from the Eva Jačova Dance Conservatory and in dance pedagogy from the School of Music Arts in Bratislava, where in 2008 she started postgraduate studies.

In Slovakia she worked in the Slovak National Theatre (Slovenské národní divadlo)’s ballet and Bratislava Dance Theatre (Bratislavského divadla tanca – BDT). Then she moved to Prague where she collaborated with Pavol Šmok Chamber Ballet. While working in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, she danced in choreographies by P. Šmok, L. Vaculík, J. Kylián J. Kodet, P. Delacroix and M. Blahutova.

In 2004–2008 a dancer of the Silesian Dance Theatre in Bytom. In Bytom she made her debut in Jacek Łumiński’s performance Glamour of a Mundane Dream from a Saint (2005); she also performed in two other Łumiński’s choreographies (Outcast and Chemical Reaction) and in Leszek Stanek and Sebastian Zajkowski’s performance. At the end of her work at the Silesian Dance Theatre, Anna Piotrowska, an independent dancer and choreographer from Warsaw, created a solo Coco_Klimt for her (2008).

Lackova was also Jacek Przybyłowicz’s assistant during his work on performance Barocco produced at the National Theatre in Brno (Czech Republic, premiere – 20 February 2009).

She is a highly valued teacher. She gives classes in whole Poland, at workshops organized by the Silesian Dance Theatre and at other events, e.g. Dancing Poznań, an event organized by the Polish Dance Theatre – Poznań Ballet; she has also her own regular classes in Warsaw. She gives lectures at the State Drama School (PWST), at the Faculty of Dance Theatre in Bytom and Faculty of Drama in Cracow.

Eva Lackova





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