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Zdjęcie: Joanna Miś-Fudali

Joanna Miś-Fudali

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Joanna Miś-Fudali dancer, teacher, choreographer. The author of the artistic concept, work method and director of performances at the AKRO Dance Theatre. Co-author of the PańFu Project and director of the Sfera Ruchu_Toruń (Movement Zone_Toruń) festival.


Miś-Fudali graduated in culture and education pedagogy (major: dance) at the Zielona Góra University and completed postgraduate studies in physioprophylactics and corrective exercise in Warsaw. She works for the Youth Culture Centre in Toruń and runs workshops in Poland and abroad, including at the North East Festival in the Netherlands, B-Part festival in Bulgaria, and in Lithuania.


In the 2012/2013 season, she worked with Irad Mazliah, which resulted in the performance Jak robi koń (How Does a Horse Go). In 2013, together with Marta Pańka she created the Szeptem duo which won the Polish elimination round for the international SoloDuo Dance Festival and performed at the festival finale in Budapest in 2014. Szeptem also won the main award at the 3… 2… 1… DANCE! choreographic competition in Cracow in February 2014.


In 1999 and 2011 Miś-Fudali received the Mayor of Toruń Award for outstanding educational achievements. In 2013, she was awarded by the Kujawy-Pomerania Province Education Supervisor for her achievements in a wide range of educational activities.


Miś-Fudali is open to new initiatives and launches collaboration with different communities; for example, she works with seniors. She infects others with her passion for dance and meets with people who focus on constant improvement of body and mind. She observes everyday life, which provides her with inspiration for performances. Miś-Fudali has created over 50 choreographies, and many of them received awards at national festivals and competitions, including the Tumult National Festival of Youth Theatres in Łomża, Polish Contemporary Dance Confrontations in Konin, Regional Amateur Art Confrontations, Polish Dance Companies Confrontations in Bydgoszcz, Dance Mirages Polish Festival of Dance, Young Forms Presentations of Contemporary Dance in Mrągowo, and Open Your Eyes National Festival of Alternative Dance Theatres.


Joanna Miś-Fudali w spektaklu „Cebulowa z parówkami”. Fot. Piotr Frąckiewicz.
Joanna Miś-Fudali w spektaklu „Jak robi koń”. Fot. Tadeusz Misiaszek.
Joanna Miś-Fudali w spektaklu „Cebulowa z parówkami”. Fot. Tadeusz Misiaszek.
Joanna Miś-Fudali w spektaklu „Szeptem”.
Joanna Miś-Fudali w spektaklu „Szeptem”.
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