People of dance

Zdjęcie: Julia Ławrenowa

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Julia Ławrenowa graduated from the Roman Turynowicz Ballet School in Warsaw, yet she started her dance already in Russia, her mother country. As a nursery school pupil, she took ballet classes in the Arabeski group, Kaliningrad. She continued her dance studies after she moved to Warsaw. She honed her skills at the Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera in Warsaw, taking part, as an intern, in The Nutcracker, The Sleeping Beauty, In the Land of the Magic Flute and Mandragora. She is a winner of the audience award at the International Dance Competition in Biarritz (France, 2000). She also took part in the 16th Wojciech Wiesołłowski National Dance Competition in Gdańsk in the category of contemporary dance.

In 2009-2013 Ławranowa was dancer with the Baltic Dance Theatre, playing leading roles in: Izadora Weiss’ OUT, The Rite of Spring, and Waiting for…; Eugenio Scigliano’s Cinderella; Emil Wesołowski’s Chopinart; and Izadora Weiss and Jiří Kylián’s Windows/No More Play/Six Dances. She also starred in dance parts in Mark Weiss’ operas, as Salome in Salome by Richard Strauss, and as Loïe Fuller in Madame Curie by Elżbieta Sikora.

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