People of dance

Justyna Urbańska

  • choreographer
  • pedagogue
Zdjęcie: Justyna Urbańska

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Justyna Urbańska – dancer, teacher, choreographer. She graduated in psychology from the University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw. She has been constantly extending her knowledge in pedagogy, psychology and dance. She started her dance education in 1996 at the Kielce Dance Theatre. From 1999 to 2005 she was a dancer in the Kielce Dance Theatre; she played in performances of the following choreographers: Elżbieta Szlufik-Pańtak, Ira Nadia Kodiche, Grzegorz Pańtak, Thierry Verger, Piotr Galiński. Taking regular classes of classical and contemporary dance at the Kielce Dance Theatre, she also participated in dance workshops in Poland and, four times, in the workshops at Centre International de Dance Jazz and Studio Harmonic in Paris.

In 2004 she passed professional state exam for artists-dancers of the Polish Stage Artists Association in Warsaw.
She completed a qualification course for instructors in the field of contemporary dance in Kielce in 2005.

She gives jazz dance classes (modern jazz, Broadway jazz) in dance schools and workshops. She collaborates, as a teacher and choreographer, with Polish children and youth groups (MIM – Starachowice, Hand to Hand – Warsaw, Grawitacja – Piaseczno, to name a few). She is broadway jazz, musical jazz and jazz dance teacher in Egurola Dance Studio. In 2007, as a choreographer of Hand to Hand group, she took the 4th position in the Polish Jazz Dance Competition.

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