People of dance

Wojciech Grudziński

  • choreographer
  • dancer
Zdjęcie: Wojciech Grudziński

Wojciec Grudziński, portret, fot. Annie van Noortwijk

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Wojciech Grudziński (b. 1991) is a dancer and choreographer. He graduated from the Roman Turczynowicz Ballet School in Warsaw and the faculty of contemporary dance at the CODARTS Rotterdam Dance Academy in Holland. He was awarded scholarships from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage (2017) and such Dutch programmes as Schuurman Schimmel van Outeren Stichting (2012/2013) and Stichting Bekker La Bastide Fonds (2013).


Throughout his dance education Grudziński participated in performances by a number of choreographers such as Itamar Serussi, Hans van Manen, Ed Wubbe and Jiříi Kylián. In 2013 he was an intern with the St. Jens Van Daele Dance Company of Holland, where he performed in the Spring Tide project. Grudzińskis collaboration with the company continued in 2014-15, as he performed in another production, titled About Lucien. In August 2015, he joined the CoisCéim Dance Theatre in Irland, with whom he collaborated THE WOLF AND PETER. The choreography was presented at the Baboró International Arts Festival (Galway, Ireland) and the Belfast International Arts Festival (Belfast, Great Britain), among others.


In 2015 he collaborated with La Cambre/Ecole nationale supérieure des arts visuels in Brussels, working on the choreography for the faculty of fashion design graduate, Clovis Nix. In 2016/17, he took part in the projects #moiprzyjacieletancza [#myfriendsdance] and Absolutely Fabulous Dancers, produced in collaboration with HOTELOKO movement makers. He was among the artists involved in the Warsaw re-staging of Jérôme Bels Gala, which premiered in July 2017 in Nowy Teatr as part of the Body/Mind Festival. 


Apart from collaborations with other artists, Grudziński also pursues individual choreographic projects. In 2013, he was featured in the Verborgen Stegen Schiedam festival, where he presented his original choreography Fresh Flesh, which had been previously presented in the Hague (Korzo Theater) and Rotterdam (De Gouvernestraat) in Holland. In September 2016, he premiered his SLAVE4YOU dlaciebiedlarodziny at the Studio Dance Stage in Warsaw. Grudziński began to work on the project during the Do yourself a favour workshops with Ivo Dimchev at the Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle in Warsaw (April 2016). He is currently working on a choreographic piece titled Pax, developed as part of a scholarship from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.

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