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This weekend visitors at the Museum of Art [Muzeum Sztuki] in Łódź apart from being offered a chance to view the multimedia exhibition “Przyjdźcie, pokażemy Wam, co robimy. O improwizacji tańca” [Come, we’ll show you what we do. On dance improvisation] with its curator (Sunday, 5 pm), may also benefit from a talk and a performance. On Friday, 12 July (7 pm) Ray Chung and Iwona Olszowska will engage in a performative dialogue on the basis of contact improvisation, discussing what giving and taking weight is, how to perform using the power of gravitation, and how a body behaves in full speed.

On Saturday, 13 July (7 pm) Lisa Nelson and Scott Smith will present their project GO, which since 2001 has been shown in the UK, Slovakia, Germany, Italy and France. The artists have been collaborating since the early 1990s exploring the improvisational possibilities of Tuning Scores, a method which they initially practiced as members of the Image Lab together with K.J. Holmes and Karen Nelson. Image Lab’s work was based on “Observatories”, a series of site-specific performances with the participation of artists of different disciplines.

About the artists:

Ray Chungis a teacher, performer and engineer. In his work, he focuses on improvisation and contact improvisation, which he has been practicing since 1979, adopting it in his performance practice, and integrating other forms of movement into his work, including martial arts, bodywork and Authentic Movement. He participates in numerous festivals globally and runs workshops on that occasion. Currently he lives in San Francisco.

Iwona Olszowskais a dancer, choreographer and teacher of contemporary dance, body awareness, contact improvisation and improvisation as performance. She is a certified Somatic Movement Educator of Body-Mind Centering. Iwona is also artistic manager of the EST Experimental Dance Studio at Hurtownia Ruchu in Kraków. She teaches at Kraków’s theatre academy and extramural degree programmes, conducts instructor courses, dance workshops and participates in festivals of contact improvisation in Poland and abroad (Ukraine, England, Russia, Moldova, Germany, Italy). She gained her dance experience in New York’s dance centres and auditing at the George Mason University in Virginia, the University of Alabama and the University of Calgary, as well as participating in workshops held by the Silesian Dance Theatre, Centre of Cultural Promotion [Centrum Animacji Kultury] and dance festivals in Poland.

Lisa Nelson and Scott Smithhave been collaborating since the early 1990s exploring the improvisational possibilities of Tuning Scores, a method which they initially practiced as part of the Image Lab with K.J. Holmes and Karen Nelson. Image Lab’s work was based on “Observatories”, a series of site-specific performances with the participation of artists of different disciplines. GO is Nelson and Smith’s project presented since 2001 in the UK, Slovakia, Germany, Italy and France.

Lisa Nelsonis an American performer and improviser, who has been exploring the role of senses in the process of dance performance and its observation/perception for almost 40 years now. Starting off with the analysis of dance of the 1970s and 80s, also in the context of video art, she developed an approach to spontaneous composition and performance which she called Tuning Scores. Since 1977 she has been co-editing Contact Quarterly ( and managing Videoda, a platform affiliated with the quarterly which archives, distributes, and produces videotapes of improvised dance.

Scott Smithis a teacher, dancer, musician and performer collaborating with artists whose work is a fusion of different disciplines. He worked in NYC with dance companies, and eventually moved to an island near Seattle to work as a landscaper, research movement and practice music. He now lives near London where he teaches movement, as well as making performance and providing music for performance and video.

More information about events the the exhibition:

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