From organizers' archieve.
On 11-18 October Peter Jasko of Les SlovaKs Dance Collective will run a coaching session for a select group of participants, embracing 7 days of work, 5-6 hours a day, focusing both on improvisation and dance technique. The workshops are organised by Sie tu tańczy, Burdąg Foundation and the project Warmia: Rebelia Kultury.
Dates:11-18 October 2013
11 Oct – arrival, check-in, introductory meeting (about 9 pm)
12-18 Oct – workshops (5-6 hours a day + impro jams, bonfire parties, dance cinema in the evenings); a detailed plan will be confirmed on the first day of workshops
18 Oct – evening showcase of workshop work at Centre of Education and Civic Initiative [Centrum Edukacji i Inicjatyw Obywatelskich] in Olsztyn (6 pm, tbc)
19 Oct – closing meeting, departure
Venue: Burdąg Performing Arts Residency, www.burdagstudio.com
Burdąg, near Szczytno, Warmińsko-Mazurskie
Cost: PLN 450 in total!
The price includes:
–participation fee (7 days of coaching)
–accommodation fee (8 nights, 11-19 Oct, inclusive)
–daily two-course dinner (vegetarian or non-vegetarian); we do not provide breakfasts and suppers but you are welcome to use Burdąg’s fully-equipped kitchen
–coach transportation to Olsztyn for the showcase on 18 Oct and back to Burdąg,
–24h access to the studio!
We do not provide transportation to and from Burdąg.
Please send applications including CVs to:workshops@sietutanczy.com
Deadline:13 September 2013
Results of the selection process will be communicated via e-mail on or before 15 September 2013.
No. of participants VERY limited.
Short-listed candidates will receive bank account details by e-mail. To secure your place, please pay the sum due on or before 20 September 2013 otherwise you will be replaced by the first candidate from the long list.
Submitting an application is considered an acceptance of the terms and conditions above.
Level: advanced
Langue of instruction:English
More from the organisers:
We may arrange transportation from Szczytno to Burdąg, should it be a problem (getting to Szczytno is easy by a PKS coach). Let us know if you’d like to come but you face transportation issues, or you’re travelling by car and may pick up passengers. We’ll figure something out together.
The project is supported by the provincial authorities of Warmińsko-Mazurskie in Olsztyn under the project WARMIA: REBELIA KULTURY.
Inquiries: Ola Zdunek
(+48) 606-706-208
About the teacher:
Peter JASKO was born in 1982 in Liptovsky Mikulas, Slovakia. He took his first dance classes at the folk dance company Dumbier Slovakia, where he stood 11 years. From 1996 to 2001, Peter studied and graduated at the Conservatory J.L. Bella of dance, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia. He continued his higher education at the University of Music and Dramatic Arts in Bratislava before entering at the international school of dance P.A.R.T.S. in Brussels (2002), under the direction of Anna Teresa de Keersmaeker. His professional experience ranges from dancing with different international artists and companies such as Zuzana Hajkova, Opera Banska Bystrica, ASpO, Company Roberto Olivan, OXOXOX – Juri Konjar, G. Barberio Corsetti, Fatou Traore, Company Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui (MYTH creation 2007) and many others.
Since 2001, Peter is collaborating with David Zambrano as a performer, and also as an assistant for his classes and workshops : Rabbit project, 3 flies went out at noon, 12 flies went out at noon, Soul project (US 28shows – tour 2012), Morning Dogs Dancing Day Piggy Night (assisting), MA -ZA- DA- MA. His teaching experiences started in 2002 and at the moment he is teaching in many dance studios, dance and circus schools and companies in Belgium, Slovakia, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Slovenia, Switzerland, Russia, Germany, Austria (ImpulsTanz), New York, Canada, Costa Rica, Congo, Sweeden, Montreal, Quebec city and many other cities and countries.
He created the choreographies for several pieces: Nurofen (1999) Slovakia, Sextext (2000) Slovakia, 4 seasons (2006) Italy – FLIC Circus School with the direction of Roberto Magro,Tole (2009) Belgium – ESAC with the direction of R. Magro, Solo2009 (2010) Canada,Mono (2010) Slovakia – Debris Company, Lolek and Bolek (2008), Lands (2011) Italy. Shared Night (2012) – collaboration with Milan Herich.
Peter Jasko is co-founder of Les SlovaKs Dance Collective. They created Opening Night in October 2007, Journey Home in November 2009The Koncert. – 2010, Fragmets in November 2012. From 2007 Les SlovaKs performed and toured in Europe, Africa, Central and North America.
Workshop desciption:
In the Workshop of spontaneous composition we will play with a different tools.
1.How to be ready dance spontaneously in any situation without to long preparation.
2.How to compose an OPEN DANCE spontaneously with different individuals in collective environment.
We will use tools from improvisation, choreography and our physical experience that we carry with us every day.
In this workshop I would like to specifically focus and exercise solo work , duet work, different possibilities of group work as well. I found a little system of work how to approach this practice in efficient way.
Workshop will demand physical ongoing tries and openness to resolve any kind of situations that will happen in the moment of this process.
Class description: Peter Jasko – Play
My class is about working with powerfull physicality related to the floor and air. The focus of the class is to develop movement in different levels – up and down possitions, shifting support and balance in different parts of the body and handstand work .My inspiration for the class comes from every living moment that i sense in my life. We start class with full power by playing games that wake up the body and mind. Improvisation or Open dancing, will be the tool to start from.
Later we slow down and focus on the short exercises that connect to final phrases that will end the class. Rythmically we extend and shift movement from the floor phrases in the air and down again, using speed and effinciency of our body. I want support action and fearlesness. In a playfull environment I want to work with instinct to discover different kinds of movement possibilities.
The point of my class is to develop trust among the group and build safe conclusions to difficult actions.
About the place:
Space For Performing Arts Burdąg: We offer great housing conditions in a beautiful, peaceful location. There are 3 buildings on the premises: a house, a renovated barn and renovated cowshed. The cowshed holds a dance studio (13m x 9m) with a wooden floor or ballet flooring, 4 double bedrooms, a kitchen and a living room. The building has an ecological heating system and a possibility of using air conditioning in the studio. The barn holds a large, 8-person dormitory, and two smaller (a double and three-person) rooms, a kitchen and large terrace. There are vegetables, sunflowers and raspberries growing in the garden. There’s also a pond in which you can swim. The place is quiet and secluded with fields and forests all around. A beautiful and clean lake Świętajno is a walking distance away.