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Organised by Teatr Polski in Bydgoszcz, this year?s Festival of New Dramaturgies changes its formula. In the words of its curators (Bartosz Frąckowiak, Agnieszka Jakimiak, Marta Keil, Paweł Wodziński), ?the con­cept of ?a pre­miere? has to be rede­fined and extended, tak­ing into account the newest ten­den­cies on the Pol­ish and world stages as well as in per­form­ing arts. We no longer wish to use the word ?pre­miere? to denote the first stag­ing of a play. We want to focus the atten­tion of the spec­ta­tors at the new qual­i­ties in the dra­maturgy of the plays, which emerge on the verge of new styles in act­ing, texts, phonic sphere and music, archi­tec­ture and the visual sphere, move­ment and dance, new media, doc­u­men­tary and archival mate­ri­als. Orig­i­nal arrange­ments, com­po­si­tions and struc­tures of these ele­ments con­sti­tute their dra­matur­gic value. It is pre­cisely within this area ? the area of the new dra­matur­gies ? where the most fas­ci­nat­ing trans­for­ma­tions take place and this is where we can wit­ness the most vital phe­nom­ena within the Euro­pean and the world the­atre.? 


This year?s Festival will include four movement and dance performances. Presentations will begin with Berlin-based choreographer Isabelle Schad?s Collective Jumps featuring Polish dancers (Friday, 2 October, 8 pm).


Komuna//Warszawa?s Europe. Inquiry, choreographed by Weronika Pelczyńska, Iza Szostak and Magda Jędra will be presented on 7 October (8 pm). Thethree artists invite the audi­ence to visit a gigan­tic Euro­pean thrift shop full of second-hand fan­tasies and worn out dreams about the future. The artists use this col­lage of impro­vi­sa­tion and net­work of vis­i­ble and invis­i­ble con­nec­tions to ana­lyze the rela­tions between the far, the global and the per­sonal.


Finally, on October 9-10 (9 pm), presented at the Festival will be Cabinet of Political Wonders, a co-production by Kampnagel Hamburg and Teatr Polski Bydgoszcz directed by Ana Vujanović:


Life in the (neo)liberal world is based on the idea of per­sonal and polit­i­cal free­dom. How could we exist with­out them? But maybe they have noth­ing to do with an indi­vid­ual, per­sonal rights, and pro­pri­etor­ship? A team of artists, the­o­rists and cul­tural activists work­ing in Ser­bia and Ger­many offers no answers to these ques­tions, rather they invite us to a dis­cur­sive prac­tice in a staged cab­i­net of polit­i­cal won­ders. As a counter move­ment to the gen­eral trend of muse­u­mi­sa­tion of chore­og­ra­phy, this het­ero­topia con­trasts voices, bod­ies and images that would have been incom­pat­i­ble else­where. Who­ever enters is invited to pose undis­ci­plined questions.



More about the performances:


Isabelle Schad: Collective Jumps

Kolektyw 1a: Dolphin who loved me

Komuna//Warszawa: Europe. Inquiry ? chor. Pelczyńska, Szostak, Jędra

Kampnagel Hamburg/Teatr Polski Bydgoszcz: Cabinet of Political Wonders ? dir. Ana Vujanović


 Festival website:


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