Fot. Patrycja Płanik.
From September to November 2015, the Centre for the Documentation of the Art. Of Tadeusz Kantor CRICOTEKA in Cracow (ul. Nadwislańska 2-4) will host the third edition of the performance programme The Choreographic Machine. Conceived by curator Anna Królica, this year?s edition will be titled Schlemmer. Analogies, referring to the oeuvre of Oskar Schlemmer. One of the performances presented in September will be Chipping by Anna Konjetzky (12-13 September), whom the Cracow audience may recall from the 2014 edition of the project. Its first presentation will be preceded with a lecture by prof. Małgorzata Leyko, Człowiek jak alfa i omega. O teatrze Oskara Schlemmera [Man as Alpha and Omega. On Oskar Schlemmer?s Theatre] (12 September, 5 pm).
The 2015 edition of The Machine? will also include premieres of works by Barbara Bujakowska (27 September), Alex Baczyński-Jenkins (30 September), and Iza Szostak (8 November).
From the curator:
When arranging this year?s programme for the Choreographic Machine I was interested mainly in the coexistence of the qualities of organicality and mechanics in a stage performance and, by association, in the way artists work with objects, machines and their own bodies. Kantor?s bio-object appears here as an obvious context, so does Merleau-Ponty?s philosophy and the phenomenology of the body, by posing the question: do we ?have? bodies or ?are? we bodies?
As project curator I delved even deeper into history. I chose Oskar Schlemmer (1888-1943), an important artist in Tadeusz Kantor?s formative process, associated with Bauhaus and constructivism. Traces of these similarities can be found in contemporary Kantor performances such as The Death of Tintagiles, Balladyna or The Return of Odysseus.
Schlemmer, similarly to Kantor, was not directly preoccupied with dance or choreography as he was a professional painter and sculptor, however, space and movement (also choreographed movement) constituted to him an impulse and a certain challenge to create. However, it was through dance that Schlemmer opened a new path to abstract dance.
(Excerpts from Anna Królica?s curator editorial)
Schedule of the 2015 edition of The Choreographic Machine. Schlemmer. Analogies: September
12 September 2015, 7 pm Chipping / Anna Konjetzky
13 September 2015, 7 pm Chipping / Anna Konjetzky
27 September 2015, 7 pm Mechanical Dreams / Barbara Bujakowska (premiere)
30 September 2015, 7 pm Radiance, lo-res / Alex Baczyński-Jenkins (premiere)
Accompanying events
12 September 2015, 5 pm ?Man as alpha and omega?. On Oskar Schlemmer?s Theatre lecture by prof. Małgorzata Leyko
14 September 2015, 10 am ? 1 pm, Dance-atelier around ?Chipping? ? workshops with Anna Konjetzky and Sahra Huby (3 hours)
27 September 2015, 5 pm Laboratisation of the World ? lecture by dr Samuel Nowak
More on the project: