Awkward Happiness.Fot. Karol Jarek.
We are glad to inform that you may register for the Tanzcongress 2013 to be held in Dusseseldorf, Germany. Registration will last until 6 May 2013. Register now and become part of the great international dance event.
With the Dance Congresses 2006 in Berlin and 2009 in Hamburg, the German Federal Cultural Foundation has taken up the tradition of dancer’s congresses in the Weimar Republic which had united all dance professionals of the epoch.
From 6 to 9 June, 2013, the Dance Congress will take place in Düsseldorf. Bewegungen übersetzen – Performing Translations is the motto of the third edition dedicated to the transfer and mediation of body concepts, movement repertories and modes of practice in and between different cultures. How do we “translate” practices, value judgements and behaviour patterns from other contexts? And what role do bodies and movements play in the process?
Several contributions deal with the opening piece La Création du monde 1923 – 2012 by the Congolese choreographer Faustin Linyekula, who questions the repercussions of colonialism in regard to body images and scopes for movement in the age of globalisation.
The social status of dance and choreography in Europe, Africa, India, South America, and the South Pacific is a central theme of more than 100 events including, for example, the – from a European perspective – surprising combination of contemporary dance, yoga and urban activism in a metropolis like New Delhi. The Congress also examines the critical debates on normative body images, for instance, differently abled bodies and aging bodies that are underrepresented in stage dance. Lectures, salons and labs offer the opportunity to discuss questions related to passing on dance, to its archiving and reconstruction, and to the current state of copyright law, while special methods and techniques for dramaturgy, choreography and training can be tested in workshops.
Translation takes place not only between a heterogeneous expert audience and 200 lecturers of different origin from the areas of choreography, education, journalism, dramaturgy, politic, architecture, sociology, philosophy, and medicine but also between practices and competences, art forms and styles, ideologies and generations. Art meets politics, practice meets theory, dance meets technology. The Dance Congress is accompanied and thematically supplemented by an evening programme developed in cooperation with the venues in Düsseldorf.
The Dance Contress is an event of the German Federal Cultural Foundation in collaboration with tanzhaus nrw. Cooperation partners: Capitol Theater Düsseldorf, Deutsche Oper am Rhein Düsseldorf Duisburg, Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus, FFT Düsseldorf. With the support of Kulturamt der Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf, Ministerium für Familie, Kinder, Jugend, Kultur und Sport des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, International Research Center “Interweaving Performance Cultures” – Freie Universität Berlin and Goethe-Institut.