Pictured: Polish Dance Theatre, Cztredzieści [Forty]. Photo: Maciej Zakrzewski.
In just a month, on 17 August, will see the start of Dancing Poznań 2013, an all-around dance event held by the Polish Dance Theatre (PTT) embracing the 20th International Workshops of Contemporary Dance and the 10th International Dance Theatres Festival. This year the participants of the Dancing Poznań festival may choose and pick between classes in 41 dance techniques to be run by 31 instructors form all around the world. Registration for such techniques as afro colombia, fusion jazz, hip hop new style or contemporary dance is still open. To register, please go to: http://www.ptt-poznan.pl/stronyi/655.php.
The jubilee 20th International Workshops of Contemporary Dance will also feature a flash mob prepared by a Polish Dance Theatre’s soloist Daniel Stryjecki and dance parties at the Blue Note club.
Dancing Poznań 2013 will start off with the latest premiere from the Polish Dance Theatre (PTT) – Czterdzieści choreographed by the globally renowned Jo Strømgren. The performance will be presented on 17 August at the Poznań International Fair centre (MP2) at 9 pm. Participants of Dancing Poznań 2013 may purchase passes to the show for a symbolic 1 zloty when they register for the event, that is starting from 16 August.
Apart from PTT dancers, the festival’s venues (Poznań International Fair centre and Teatr Ósmego Dnia) will host 420PEOPLE (Czech Republic), Jo Strømgren Kompani (Norway), Nadar Rosano (Israel), Kielce Dance Theatre (Poland), Baltic Dance Theatre (Poland) and Ferenc Fehér (Hungary).