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We are pleased to announce that Gosia Gajdemska has been appointed artist-in-residence at Mind the Dance (dates of residency: 23-27 July 2018) and the 6th edition of the IDOCDE Symposium ? International Documentation of Contemporary Dance Education (dates of residency: 27-29 July 2018), each organised as part of the ImPulsTanz ? Vienna International Dance Festival.


Mind the Dance is a project devoted to the transmission of knowledge and the documentation of the process, which also provides an open-access collection of resources (essays, interviews, lesson plans, dance and choreographic internships layouts) developed by the project team and invited artists, dance teachers and researchers.


The IDOCDE Symposium offers reflection on contemporary dance education. The theme of this year?s edition is ?We are here?. Over thirty dance practitioners and teachers (including the Mind the Dance residents) working in seven research groups have been working on a programme focused on various ways and possibilities to engage in documentation and reflection within one?s own pedagogical and artistic practices. Together, the group will consider how politics and privacy intertwine in actions and thinking; they will also create open-access participatory laboratories, choreographic spaces and performance lectures.



IDOCDE Symposium brochure



As part of a cycle of practical actions realised in the course of her residency, Gosia Gajdemska will be reflecting on the balance between ?giving? and ?receiving? in the context of teaching and sharing one?s experience and (re)defining autonomy and responsibility for learning/teaching dance as a social, political and ethical reality. Gajdemska will be accompanied by Andrea Keiz (Berlin), Silvia Marchig (Zagreb/Croatia) and Sasha Kleinplatz (Montreal/Canada). An open-access laboratory presentation will take place on 29 July as part of the symposium.


About the artist:


Gosia Gajdemska is a choreographer, dancer, performer, and dance educator. A graduate of choreography in Cracow, she has also completed the instructor course Improvisation movement and body symbolism at Institut fur Tanz und Bewegungsdynamik in Essen (Germany), the Dynamic Body Laban Movement Analysis Training at the Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance in London, as well as a training in dance notation (kinetography) at the Choreology Institute in Poznań, and a number of other courses in dance, choreography, acting, and group work. She is a recipient of the Dance Invensiv programme at Tanzfabrik Berlin and the Alternative Dance Academy 2017 at the Art Stations Foundation by Grażyna Kulczyk. For the past 10 years, she has developed a number of original artistic projects, collaborating with various institutions and independent artists in Poland and abroad. In 2018, she was appointed artist-in-residence with the Mind The Dance programme and the IDOCDE Symposium on Contemporary Dance Education/ImPuls Tanz Festival in Vienna. Her collaborations include Poste Restante (Stockholm), Plavo Pozoriste (Belgrad), Zygmunt Hübner Powszechny Theatre and Dramatyczny Theatre in Warsaw, Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art, Museum of Modern Art and Praga Museum in Warsaw, PERFORM Artistic Foundation (whose programme she co-created in 2012-2015), and the Format Zero Association and Artistic Collective (2014-2017). She has developed over a dozen original dance projects (including, among others, Konteksty, Definicje ciałaImprowizacja w tańcu, Obraz w ruchupoRuszenieTaniec.Re:animacjeDancedoby. ]


InstalacjaC2.WRONGinVISIBLEI??M), many of which featured performers with visual, hearing, and motor skills impairments. Since 2015, she has lived and worked in Berlin, collaborating with the centre for educational and cultural initiatives Schloss Trebnitz, Uferstudios Berlin, Ada Studio, K77 Studio e.V. (to which she also contributes as its artistic director and board member), as well as Spektrum Art Science Community Berlin. Her performances as dancer include such venues as Sophiensaele, Kunstquartier Bethanien, K77 Studio, Cankova Galerie, Gemäldegalerie Berlin, K3 – Zentrum für Choreographie Hamburg, as well as solo choreographies presented at the Performing Arts Festival Berlin. She is a member of the Dance Films Association and movLab at the Berlin-based Spektrum. Her artistic interests focus on the relations between choreography and visual arts, touching upon such notions as (re)presentation, image, and identity.


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