Fot. Zuza Krajewska
On Saturday, 21 November Ingrid Vranken will moderate the meeting A Gathering of Ghosts, which will be followed by the workshop Re-Membering the Self led by Anna Nowicka.
Grand re Union November edition will be live streamed on ZOOM.
A Gathering of Ghosts – meeting moderated by Ingrid Vranken
1:30 p.m CET / 4:30 a.m PST / 4:30 p.m GET
Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84972843716?pwd=cXBtdlNkS1Z5dHpCR2oyL3didnNpQT09
Meeting ID: 849 7284 3716
Passcode: 643431
We live in a haunted world. Our present is imbued with ghosts speaking from both past and future. They are a paradox, an absence, human and other-than-human, that is nevertheless eerily present and influential. They might point out that something is missing, something is wrong. Ghosts show us that time is not linear, but entangled, thick and layered.
Ghosts open up a potential for other stories of the now, the past and the future. They might provoke in us the desire and tools for living otherwise. Recognizing ourselves as haunted and haunting, makes our understanding of the present, and ourselves in it, permeable. By inhabiting this ghostliness we may recognize a different proximity to each other and what surrounds us.
In the past two weeks eight artists have gathered spectrally, together with a ghostly partner, on invitation of WP Zimmer, a workspace for artistic development in Antwerp. Ingrid Vranken (FoAM Zenne) will invite us into a spectral ?studio visit?, opening up the investigation into ghosts and the haunted corners of our worlds.
Re-Membering the Self – workshop by Anna Nowicka
3:00 p.m CET / 6:00 a.m PST / 6:00 p.m GET
Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82992338794?pwd=bC9lUEhkcUc2Y3F0dGxQNC84K25mQT09
Meeting ID: 829 9233 8794
Passcode: 364986
There are parts of oneself that are unseen, left behind and forgotten. They come out at night, calling for one?s attention in dreams. If one responds to the call, one can re-member oneself and redirect the newly gained energy to a new place within and without. If one keeps neglecting the call, it becomes a nightmare, haunting oneself in dreaming and waking realities.
This one-hour meeting will work with participants? night dreams to communally address, hear and respond to the needs of the forgotten parts of the self. It will provide basic tools for sensing, feeling and understanding one?s own dreams and re-turning to them as to a source of infinite, abundant, embodied knowledge.
For the participants: Bring into the session a recent dream.
More information: www.grandreunion.net
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/3647535675311967?locale=pl_PL