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The FIDCDMX – Festival Internacional de Danza Contemporánea de la Ciudad de México will take place in Mexico City between 2-12 of August 2018. is the festival will feature two presentations of ?Slowstepper? by Hygin Delimat (5th; 9th of August 2018), a Polish choreographer based in Austria, and a study visit of Karolina Wycisk, a dance critic and producer.


About the performance:


Hygin Delimat, ?Slowstepper – On The Edge Of Survival?


On The Edge Of Survival. In the essential need for Survival we are not different than other species. They all need food, and a proper environment to live in. However, what is it that only we, humans, need for survival? Is the sphere of life beyond survival the actual thing that differentiates us from other organisms?


Survival is visible in physical dualities: weak-strong, virtuous-vulnerable? On the one hand, there is the Body on the edge, the Body in crisis, the Body of a plane crash survivor, the Body drained of water and energy. And yet, there also exists a superhero of Survival through the trained, and prepared Body, the Body of extreme sports, the Body of Power. Movement is the main drive of the performance. Slowstepper explores extremes in terms of inner resistance, speed, duration, and a potential beauty that happens in consequence.


Tardigrades (Water Bears) are omnipresent microscopic animals that can survive in almost any conditions on Earth, regardless of extreme temperature, pressure, or radiation (also Space vacuum). Tardigrade comes from Latin and stands for  ?stepping slowly.?.


Choreography, light design, performance: Hygin Delimat

Music: NASA Opensource, Karol Kensee (remix Alice Coltrane)

Mentor: Rui Horta

Production: Hygin Delimat

Lights during the performance: Karolina Wycisk

Artistic residencies: Arts Printing House Wilno, O Espaco Do Tempo Montemor-O-Novo, ProDanca Lizbona, Eira Lizbona, EKA Unity Lizbona, Polo Gaivotas Lizbona

Greetings for: Rita Vilhena, Karol Kensee, Ines Santos, Noemi Wagner, Wiktor Janas



Hygin Delimat is a choreographer and performer, based in Vienna, active at numerous stages of Central Europe. He graduated in Movement Research (M.A.) and Dance Pedagogy (M.A.) from the Anton Bruckner University in Linz. As a dancer, he has performed for Elio Gervasi, Georg Blaschke, Rose Breuss, Liv O?Donoghue, Willy Dorner, Robert Clark. A holder of the DanceWEB scholarship 2013, Hygin has choreographed works for architekturforum Linz, Aura Dance Theatre Lithuania, Hannes Kerschbaumer. Deeply involved in multidisciplinarity, Hygin always collaborates with artists from various fields including contemporary composition, visual arts, or new media. In his artistic research as a mover, he integrates approaches and philosophies of urban movement arts (bboying, tricking, hiphop) and somatic methods.


Hygin Delimat presentará ?Slowstepper? en CDMX


Partners: Foro Cultural de Austria en México ? Österreichisches Kulturforum in Mexiko, Bundeskanzleramt Österreich.



About the study visit:


The study visit aims to strengthen international contacts and promote Polish dance abroad. This study visit is supported by Strefa Kultury Wrocław within the framework of the AIR Wro programme.


Karolina Wycisk is a critic and manager, coordinator of the Polish Dance Platform 2017 and 2019 (organised by the Institute of Music and Dance), curator of three editions of Studio Dance Scene (May?July 2017; together with Katarzyna Bester) at the Studio Theatre in Warsaw (in collaboration with the Institute of Music and Dance) and two editions of the IDIOM Polish dance festival in Prague (2017, 2018), and the producer of the New Dance Art Festival ROZBIEG in Siedlce (2018). A PhD student at the Jagiellonian University, her critical texts have been published in ?Didaskalia? and at the taniec POLSKA [pl] website. As a manager, she cooperates with Hygin Delimat, Maciej Kuźmiński Company and Renata Piotrowska-Auffret. She is the director of the PERFORMAT Foundation.

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