Na zdjęciu: Katarzyna Stefanowicz. Fot. Grzegorz Hoffman.
Nowcelebrating the 18th anniversary season in Houston and the 21st season since its inception in Brussels, Belgium, Dance Salad Festival promises another gathering of world-class performers. Famous in their own countries, the dance companies/dancers have won praise from critics and audiences wherever they have toured.To download photos, for more information, and to buy and print tickets, go to: www.dancesalad.org. The next Dance Salad Festival performances are scheduled forMarch 28, 29 and 30, 2013, 7:30 PM at the Wortham Center, Cullen Theater.
They will include performances by the Polish National Ballet/Teatr Wielki, Warsaw,the major ballet company inPoland,which will come to the US for the first time since 1980. As the festival’s website states, since March 2009, the PNB [having become an independent entity within Teatr Wielki’s structure], has been under the directorial leadership of internationally acclaimed choreographer,Krzysztof Pastor, who is also resident choreographer at the Dutch National Ballet as well as ballet director of the Lithuanian National Opera, Ballet. In Houston the PNB will perform three works by Pastor: Kurt Weill Suite(section of the ballet Kurt Weill and the programme Love and Fear ),Moving rooms (from the programme Echoes of Time), andAnd The Rain Will Pass… The Polish ballet company will also perform Persona by PNB’s dancer and choreographer, Robert Bondara.
For more information on the ballets, visit: http://www.dancesalad.org/press_releases/2013/pressrelease.html
And the PNB’s website: http://www.teatrwielki.pl/en/polish_national_ballet.html
Or Teatr Wielki’s website: http://www.teatrwielki.pl/en