Photo: Maria Wołyńska.
Celebrating its 40th anniversary, the Polish Dance Theatre is presenting the third episode of the audio and video performance devoted to its four decades of existence 10 x 4 = XL / Polski Teatr Tańca wczoraj i dziś [Polish Dance Theatre Now and Before]. The episode is titled Yesterday… and TODAY and covers the period of 1981-84. The premiere is taking place on Wednesday, 13 February, at 8pm, at Poznań’s ZAMEK Cultural Centre (ul. Św. Marcin 80/82).
The event’s programme also includes reinterpretations of such shows as Yesterday and Panna i śmierć [Pia Fraus]. Performing on the stage of ZAMEK will be Polish Dance Theatre’s current dancers: Urszula Bernat-Jałocha, Niels Claes, Katarzyna Kulmińska, Paweł Malicki and Katarzyna Rzetelska, but also its former first soloist Mariola Hendrykowska. We will also see special appearances by Elżbieta Mazurkiewicz-Kolasińska, Ryszard Węgrzynek and Jacek Miszczak. The scripts for all the jubilee show’s episodes were written by Polish Dance Theatre’s director, Ewa Wycichowska, who is also going to host the Wednesday event.