Photo: Maciej Zakrzewski.
Tomorrow at 8 pm the Polish Dance Theatre in Poznań premieres Ewa Wyciechowska’s latest choreography Good To Have You Here. The piece is a follow-up on Wish you were here by the same choreographer. Using the same convention as its predecessor, Good To Have You Here introduces the audience into the world of dance, with dance acting as a guide through past times and some present motifs. The piece is a tribute to former dancers of the Polish Dance Theatre, and triggers recollections and reminiscences: the audience is prompted to remember some titles, themes, characters, dance motifs and choreographers from the theatre’s history, but also to look into its present repertoire. The piece is a joy to watch, with its assembly of exquisite artists, perfect technique, a multitude of styles and different shades of choreographic language, submerged in theatrical space and film image.
The piece contains references to choreographies by: Istvan Juhos-Putto (Short cuts), Jerzy Makarowski (Carmen), Ewa Wycichowska (Dangerous Liaisons,+/- finity, The Rite of Spring,Transss…,Tango with Lady M.,… and I’m dancing,Spring – Effatha, Carpe Diem), Birgit Cullberg (Romeo and Juliet), Mats Ek (Pół dnia północy), Yossi Berg (Wo-man in Tomatoes), Marie Brolin-Tani(Othello), Virpi Pahkinen (Zefirum), Jacek Przybyłowicz (Barocco,The Dove’s Necklace,Autumn – Nuembir), Thierry Verger (Summmer – Red Sun), Gunhild Bjørnsgaard (Winter – Silent sleep).
Venue: Poznań International Fair, MP2, ul. Głogowska 14
Next presentation: 26 February in Piła (Regional Culture Centre – Fabryka Emocji).
On 22 February you may see Fortyby Jo Strømgren in Poznań’s MP2.
Good To Have You Here [Dobrze, że tu jesteś]
Script, choreography andelaboration of originals choreographies: Ewa Wycichowska
Music: J.S. Bach, G. Bizet, Igor Stravinsky, A. Piazzolla and others
Creative collaborators:
Choreographers: Andrzej Adamczak, Paulina Wycichowska, Paweł Malicki
Dancers: Andrzej Adamczak, Karina Adamczak–Kasprzak, Urszula Bernat-Jałocha, Artur Bieńkowski, Niels Claes, Adriana Cygankiewicz, Agnieszka Fertała, Paulina Jaksim, Zbigniew Kocięba, Katarzyna Kulmińska, Kornelia Lech, Karol Miękina, Paweł Malicki, Daniel Navarro Lorenzo, Josefine Patzelt, Tomasz Pomersbach, Marcin Motyl, Daniel Stryjecki,Paulina Wycichowska
Video: Daniel Stryjecki
Costumes: Adriana Cygankiewicz
Duration: about 70 minutes