Fot. D. Jusupow
Held by the Sopot Dance Theatre, Masters of Polish Dance is a meeting with Poland’s leading contemporary dance artists whose careers date back to the 1980s, but who are still professionally active. This rather close group plays a special role, linking the past of Polish dance with its present and future, thus influencing new generations of artists. The showcase embraces presentations of dance pieces and masterclasses by Jacek Gębura, Elwira Piorun, Jacek Krawczyk, Melissa Monteros, Wojciech Mochniej, Witold Jurewicz, Iwona Olszowska, and Marta Pietruszka. Also to be held are Q&A sessions with artists and screenings of archival dance films. The event starts on 21 April and will last until 26 April 2015. It will take place at Teatr na Plaży (al. Mamuszki 2) and Zatoka Sztuki (al. Mamuszki 14) in Sopot.
Mature artists don’t only make use of their body in a different way, but are also intensely present on stage, precise, and distanced from the art’s matter. Mature artists take up different topics and turn them into a dance piece in a different way. It is said that every age has its own rights ? experienced people talk about life, philosophy, faith, spirituality, past, and dance. They talk with credibility because they know what they are saying. Come, listen, and see for yourself.
Dance pieces to be presented at the festival:
ARKA Dance Theatre/Capitol Dance Stage ? “No*2” (as part of the series “dialogi na ręce i nogi” ? “dialogues for hands and legs”)
Sopot Dance Thwatre ? “Essentia”
Zawirowania Dance Theatre/Elwira Piorun ? “Tomorrow”
W&M Physical Theatre ? “Waiting Rooms in Heaven”
Witold Jurewicz and Juliusz Grzybowski/Alter Dance Theatre ? “Czy filozof może mówić o tańcu?” (Can A Philosopher Talk About Dance?”)
Marta Pietruszka – “Choć Cię nie pojmuję” (Although I Can’t Comprehend You)
Iwona Olszowska ? “Moda na GENDER” (GENDER is in fashion)
To download:
Single night tickets: PLN 30 (concessionary: PLN 20)
Package (all shows of the festival): PLN 140 (concessionary: PLN 90)
Single workshop: PLN 30
All workshops: PLN 200
Reservations (shows and workshops):
Tickets for shows are also available online on: www.teatrnaplazy.pl